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Is this why cannabis was considered dangerous in the first place?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Mr.Jay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Recently while surfing YouTube i stumbled upon quite an interesting video. Its essentially a voiced simulated pot trip, most of the descriptions are pretty accurate. But he later explains how compared to tobacco and alcohol, Weed is very accumulative where. Where if you ingest more than you can handle like i have... you can trip out really bad and think your dying etc. Now i tried alcohol had no ganja gummy bears [​IMG] and basically got drunk and only felt like i was dizzy and num no enhanced creativity [​IMG] for me. But i noticed it doesn't get to the point where your about to enter to the 4th dimension just get drunker till you knock out to sleep whack. I once got so high from a gummy bear i could not feel my body anymore it was like I was a floating bundle of nerve cells so I was unable to differentiate from whats my body and whats my bed, felt like I was connected and melting I was literately inches away from entering a new universe ,[​IMG] Every time i would close my eyes i would see Tree Trunks from Adventure Time floating making balloon noises non stop it would scare the shit out of me i had to keep opening my eyes to remind my self im in the real world but when I did shit everything was miles away I ended falling asleep because i was so terrified from this trip. Now i have learned to cope with it so now its actually fun once you get your self used to no longer being paranoid at that level. Your probably asking why does one gummy bear hit me like an acid trip well im light weight 5'6 ft and 125ibs only get high every month or so, And no i have not done any other drug this is not a PCP reaction or anything like that i stick to safe ganja only. [​IMG] Back to point this video states that cannabis should not be legal because of its accumulative effects. From friends i heard who smoke grits they say you can go through a pack in an hour and just get dizzy ass hell where by weed you smoke 12 joints in one hour your going to speak to the celestial beings... see for your self and lmk whats your opinion. Most people would not agree with legalization if they would know it can get this far, Im surprised anti-cannabis politicians don't use this reason as a excuse for prohibition.
    BTW first post

  2. you are still far from the reality of what it is like to get high. you need to go try it for yourself. the whole deal with trying to compare ganja with cigarettes just doesn't work. and if you did smoke 12 joints in an hour you would just green out by doobie number 3. as far as alcohol goes, i always felt alcohol was a perfect mate to a bong toke or 2. when i did drink i found a 6 pack of franziskaner hefeweizen was money with some top shelf doobage.

    it is impossible for someone who hasn't had the experience to actually have a true opinion of what it is actually like. if it is for you, then you'll be an advocate of it for life. give it a try and free your mind. then you will laugh at what all of these so called experts and their expert opinions. life is short, enjoy what you can when you can.
  3. Ummmmmm no lol. I definitely would have achieved these "accumulative effects" by now. I spend at least one day a year doing nothing but smoking nonstop for the whole day( usually sometime around mid april). And i have never felt this overwhelming accumulation you are speaking of. And i mean, i ACTIVELY TRY to 'overdose' on weed on these days. Blunts on bongs on dabs on joints on bags on dabs on blunts. Nonfuckingstop. And NOT ONCE have i felt anything close to what you are speaking of. Even on an edibles 'overdose', the most psychedelic symptoms are just the spins and some mild visual hallucinations, nothing like you were talking about with crossing dimensions and shit. I mean i can totally see a newbie eating too much thc and thinking theyre gunna die, that happens. But that's not what you're talking about right?
  4. This is probably the worst post I've ever seen. Are you with the Moral Majority or some crap like that? Weed is the safest plant out there & in all my years of smoking (& have toked some killer stuff), I've never freaked out from the high. That's just another example of propaganda from the alcohol distilleries &/or the beer brewers.
    Weed has never done anything near to what that bullsh*t You Tube video suggests. Terrible 1st post. Are you 5-0 or something? A person can die from too much alcohol & there's never been 1 single death from cannabis. Don't feed us that garbage. I was a heavy drinker for 25+ years & experienced blackouts, hangovers where I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow, & would wake up in the gutter from getting into fistfights with the wrong people. Weed? Never had 1 single problem in 50 years of smoking or ingesting.
    Don't steer people the wrong way, nimrod. You lose with booze & weed is what you need!! [​IMG]

  5. I think it was banned because the people who used it for research purpose were told tht it was bad and dangerous. as we all know from watching beginners smoke - if you dont know what to expect youre not gonna have a good trip
  6. I would LOVE for anti-cannabis politicians to use a 1970 LP record called "Tripping Out" as their primary source of information for their arguments! It would make it that much easier to make fun of them for being out of touch and behind the times. :)

  7. Couldn't agree more. I always laugh when people ask me if I see things that aren't there when I smoke [​IMG]
  8. no, they made up a bunch of shit that it was dangerous because it hurt the interest of big biz like lumber and shit.
  9. Harry anslinger. google the name. end thread.
  10. /\\/\\/\\/\\ You got it!! Harry Anslinger & William Randolph Hearst were the 2 that gave weed such a bad rep. Harry in the federal government & Hearst with all his newspapers (& a grand-daughter who was a real twat...anyone remember her in 1974 getting kidnapped by the SLA & then joining them robbing banks?) started the anti-weed campaign.
    They were saying how the Mexicans were coming up to the USA, smoking weed, then raping & killing women. Of course, I know every time I get stoned, the 1st thing I want to do is rape & kill. Those 2 are the reason weed & hemp got banned. Think of all the trees that could've been saved if we were using hemp plants to make paper. Also, hemp made great material for clothing...extremely durable. Plus hemp oil could've been used for energy purposes.
    Yeah, those 2 really screwed things up for the rest of us. [​IMG]

  11. People can (and do) freak out from MJ highs. Some people do, some people don't.
  12. I stand corrected then...I had no idea.
    Must be somewhat rare, as I've toked weed with many a person & I've never seen anyone wig out from weed. Now I've seen plenty of 'freak-outs' from LSD &/or Mescaline ('shrooms & buttons also). Weed might have helped trigger the bummer, but I've never seen anyone freak from weed alone.[​IMG]

  13. This is true, however in my experience it only happens when I have too much or I see the police. Laying down in a dark room seems to solve the problem.
  14. Smoked the stuff more than half my life and since my teens.

    Had that reaction couple of times. Very bad about 10 years ago - blood was itching, vision was like strobe lighting. However I'm pretty sure it had pcp with it (the dealer sprinkled something in it, I thought was coke and was happy he did...until I smoked it).

    The other occasion was the other night. Normally I smoke 1-2 grams a day of good quality bud. I had a day without for the first time in years. Next night I smoke 1 gram in 3 joints over about 90 mins. I was tripping quite a bit when I went to bed. I too had to keep opening my eyes. Really it just kept me awake, I've been smoking a lot of blues lately and suspect this was a bit more of a stay awake kind of weed.

    Despite the fact weed is pretty darn safe, it's like anything - moderation. Too much of anything can be a bad thing, whether it be weed or not. I remember first trying weed. About 2/3 tokes and I was SMASHED for hours and hours. Now I need to smoke a couple before I even feel it.
  15. My friend gave me some gummy bears and I totally tripped face.... were you that guy in school that would do anything your "friends" tell you to do or something.....

  16. For those wondering why I only consume edibles it's because my parents have DEA certified sense of smell. I can't smoke so my dealer provides me these edibles, But anyway I love weed just the fact that I was able to achieve this level of being super stoned scared that crap out of me I kept telling my self it's impossible to over dose lmao

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