Gay marriage legal in the US

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Mid man, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. As of like 30 minutes ago

  2. Get ready for some fabulous weddings [​IMG] But on the real good for them
  3. thats awesome yay for people being able to do what the fuck they want
  4. yep...

    love is love , who cares what their sex is .....

    keep your fuking ignorant nose out of it Gov't... nobody wants your 2 cents...
  5. they must have snuck that bill in when the regular people were focused on racism and shootings.

    Sent from deep in my subconscious.
  6. OOOHHH NOOOO! I bet there are a shitload of gays out there that didn't want to get married, now they have no excuse for their spouse. [​IMG]

    does not matter to me either way, when are they passing the bill that lets me merry my bud?
  7. Now people will only marry for sex and or money.
  8. #12 NumeroUno, Jun 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2015
    doesnt matter
  9. Me too.
  10. A great thing to happen, should've decades ago. My mom and my gay friends are celebrating like its Christmas lol.
  11. I got married before it was legal nationally. Damn I'm a good hipster. :p
  12. #16 NumeroUno, Jun 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2015
    im ashamed to be associated with this.
  13. Nice try... it was a supreme court decision
  14. we dont have a president how we gonna have a court!

    Sent from deep in my subconscious.
  15. No fucks given. Glad it's passed so we can move on. Our country has bigger issues then gay people wanting to marry or a stupid flag in the south.
    Too much attention on things that shouldn't be issues in the fuckin first place.
  16. I'm down with that, bring on the fabulous weddings! :p

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