When are you getting high next?

Discussion in 'General' started by lean prince, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Can't for weeks. On my t break finally. Gonna aim for 2+ first real break in three years
  2. Like... 2hrs

    I know we're gunna be low as fuck on wax to when I get home... Ugh
  3. Right about now.

  4. right now and for the rest of the day [​IMG]
  5. In about 10 minutes.
  6. right now

    technically not getting high

    getting highER

  7. :( third day t break. Bored
  8. Me two
  9. in about 2 hours from now :p
  10. Yesterday...and now. Probably tomorrow to.
  11. Right now. :bonglove:
  12. I am on a t-break for about a week so I belive Friday I will get high.
  13. Ha when ever my debit card comes in the mail!
    Anywhere from 4-7 more days !
  14. As soon as I get home from work, so hopefully within the next two hours. I'm needing it!
  15. Right now and will continue to throughout the evening. [​IMG]
  16. ~5 minutes! It's been a few days
  17. In september, lol. I'm taking a t-break on summer and working as a painter, so when school starts i'm gonna buy a fat QP of extreme dank [​IMG]
  18. 2 hour and 45 minutes, unfortunately. Slow ass day at work
  19. When my wife goes to bed so I don't have to hear her fucking mouth. lol

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