how much of the way we are is actually us

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Sceaspit11, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. BTW I agree with you

    But realize this. Record companies arent telling us what to listen to. We aren't their slaves.

    When someone becomes a star, its for one reason only. Because the record company believed people would buy their shit if they invested in them.

    Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus exist because we want them to. Because we buy their shit.

    They are our slaves not the other way around.

    And as I said before, group think is in our genes. We are no more slaves to it than hunger or sexual attraction.

  2. #42 Deleted member 646086, Jul 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
    what led us to this, buying into this cesspool of culture?.. a generation of bullies and media shoving their bullshit down our throats.
  3. right.

    So we are slaves not to society, but to ourselves. To our animal instincts

    Its easy for a culture to forget self control when resources are abundant.

    We can now sleep with whoever we want with little consequence thanks to birth control and abortion.

    We can now eat to our hearts content. Thanks to food industry.

    We can drink and do drugs till we are in a coma, because we can easily survive with our modern jobs (as opposed to having to hunt and plow fields all day)

    You are completely right. Our society has become so effecient that humans have little reason not to act like animals.

  4. #44 Deleted member 646086, Jul 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
    I don't think efficient was the word you were looking for?
  5. like I said man. I agree with you. I'm not trying to fight. Only discuss

    I feel like you are just focusing only on negatives and am trying to help you out

    For starters, unlike that memento, I sleep in till 10-12 every day and only work the hours I need.

    Yea our system of greed has its problems, but would we be using computers to talk right now if we were truely slaves?

  6. Also efficient is the word I'm looking for.

    Despite the downsides of our capitalist system, we have an overabundance of food.

    That was Carl Marx's entire point. Our industry us so advanced we shouldn't need to work. And American decadence proves Marx right

  7. #47 parkster, Jul 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2015
    Haha that's true, I was hearing someone complain about how swinging his arms during power walking made him look like a granny. Who cares? its exercise, people are just afraid of being judged as strange or weird if you dont conform to whats cool and you stand out a little more. That's why I love doing shit that is out the norm, because your doing what works for you, forget everyone else.
    But capitalism isn't the issue, that makes people rich through hard work, there are plenty of rags to riches stories out there that are made possible because of capitalism. Even those who don't work have it nice, look at the ghetto, you got poor people with friggen Iphones, that are made affordable because of competition in the free market. We're definitely better off than the socialist countries, so who cares about the 1% as long as your getting yours.
  8. #48 Deleted member 646086, Jul 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
    which is why “freedom” as we know it is an illusion. We are controlled by the institutions society has laid out, and think that they are 100 % necessary for society to function.. Society is progressing way too damn fast with mass production of technology that we think we need because the media shoves every new edition of the iphone or w.e down our throats, and sheeple gobble that up like cake. We need the next edition to be cool, we need to look like that celebrity, we need to be rich like that famous rapper. Where do the old editions go, why can't we be content with what we need and not what we want.

    Does everybody need to be working? We should be using tech for utility purposes and exploration ( lets say exploring space) and not greed. But media has crammed it so far into our heads that we need this shit like a junkie needs his fix. Can technology replace a hell of a lot of jobs out there? Yes. So why does everybody need to struggle to find a job that most of the time they don't like going to, and waste most of their damn life working for somebody else who most often has a stick up their ass, and still have a hard time supporting their families. Why not replace those jobs with technology, and stop spending so much damn money on warfare and police on the “war against drugs”, and use it more efficiently. Let's say give everyone a basic wage working or not working and perhaps, not that im advocating communism or throwing people's “hard earned money” out the window... And you talk about an overabundance of food, yes, we have enough to share with the entire world but choose not to because of greed and stupidity. So it's a mix of people being inherently bad and selfish and the government and media using this to their advantage so that we don't ever act out against our instincts. Mankind truly has only walked just a mile or 2 away out of the jungle.

  9. I agree with most of that.

    I am simply trying to stress that society, as it is now, is a result of human nature. No. Animal nature.

    I think self control is what makes us sperate from animals. The primary thing that makes us "sentient", is our ability to act on will regardless of instinct.

    But this self control itself is a survival instinct. We only need it to resist things that might be bad for us in the future. Its like a blessing. We evovled free will as a survival instinct and that's why we are use it to surpass our basic programming

    However, in industrial society such as in America, there is little need for self control, and people forget about it. They revert to their animal forms.

    Its not socieites fault. Its not some ruling class conspiracy. Its just human nature.

    I believe when the coming catastrophe becomes obvious enough for everyone tto see, people will get in gear again. Hopefully in time

  10. I agree, but fuck the general public and fuck government. That is all.

  11. I once had the same thought.

    It is much easier to write people off as animals. It makes their actions make so much more sense. Its easy to say fuck the world.

    But you know what? I'm a product of this world too. Not only that, but if I was in trouble I'd want help.

    Remember when I brought up subjective morality?

    The only logical conclusion is to be optimistic and treat people how you'd want to be treated.

    Don't be so cynical of humanity because its contagious. You would want people to have faith in you. So have faith in humanity


  12. I have faith in certain individuals, and i show my compassion to those people. Don't preach to me buddy.
  13. how rude. Forgive me if I was preachy. I can't help but try to he nice to people...

  14. Yuri,

    You sir, are a wise person.

    To me, IMHO. Life comes with many hurdles, but each of our lives are all subject to relativity and perspective. Without those, You would not feel the pressure, or urge to follow or do anything anyone else does. However its in our nature to follow, And believe it or not, If we did not posses this trait; We as a species would not be where we are today.

    We are flexible creatures, Some are more "mould-able" than others. This does not mean they make less of an impact in the world. It just means there are more numbers of people that think thats right.

    Which does in-fact lead me back to blazebrothers point. Yes marketing is designed to target the impressionable, And as a society we are more impressionable than ever. I find this is due to a combination of things. The education systems, The corrupt goverments, and pure production.

    Without all those things, we would not be able to live without fending for ones self, We would not be raised to believe everything that is said by people in "important places" and we would probably go back to natural pace of evoluition where we dont destroy the earth.

    Mah gawd that blew out.

    Anyway, take from it how you want, or ignore my post :p just my rambles on the situation and world.

    We cant change it overnight, but with numbers, and time comes change.
  15. #55 Deleted member 646086, Jul 6, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
    You're right, it wont happen overnight. As long as the general public stays shit and votes for shitheads.

  16. I'm not exactly sure what you are saying, or if you knew what I was saying.

    Its been discovered that mimicry is in out genes. In fact the gene was isolated and discovered to exist in the majority of complex life. We literally are programmed to try to fit in. That of coarse has positive and negative consequences in our modern society and it makes it easy for corruption to control the masses.

    Also I don't think I'm all that wise.

    Once I learned that humans are in fact animals, I had to wonder. If its wrong to kill a human, is it wrong to kill an animal? And visa versa

    Its all do confusing, trying to figure out what makes humans special.

    Watching my daughters bunny, always makes me feel bad about not being a vegan.

    Perhaps I'm naive of the way the world really works, but I like to think that by being nice others will be nice too, through mimicry.

    But posts like this often make me wonder why I try.
    I once again have to tell myself. They are all animals. Don't hate the mosquito. He needs blood. Don't hate the dog that bites. He doesn't understand.

    Don't hate the people who care not for you. Its their nature...

    In the end I simply hope I can spread some love and optimism. that is all

  17. As said Yuri, turned into a ramble... lol

    However I was saying your words so far have made the most sense, you see the issue, but you also see that its a byproduct of our nature.

  18. #58 Deleted member 646086, Jul 6, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
    Sorry if i sounded angry, I'm just pissed off about the state of the world and what has happened to me personally. I agree that humans are “animals” im not saying that is false. However you'd think that we would evolve by now and use our brains once a while and learn from history at least, but tis not the case.

    I'm trying to point out that capitalistic societies are very dehumanizing, and almost even sadistic. Im not saying theres much of an alternative, but changes do need to be made.
  19. I tend to ramble too but iin doing so I learn things

    angry is the wrong word

    You are cynical

    Cynicism is bad for the Psyche. It breeds hate and depression. I know this all too well

  20. as we all do, and blaze boy, mate i feel you... ive had a shit 3 years, and its taught me so much patience and values, I swear weed helped with that too funnily enough!

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