Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by travilanche, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. I may have posted this before, but I can't remember because I am drunk.

    Has anyone else seen the recent round of "truth" commercials? I have a theory that they are actually made by tobacco companies in an effort to make non-smokers look incredibly uncool. The latest ad has grace helbig and Ali Wong swiping left on smokers. It is such a douchey commercial it makes me want to light up immediately.

    Does anyone else Think that that the truth campaign is actually pro tobacco by way of making non-smokers look so incredibly uncool that they actually make you want to smoke?
  2. A hardware site?

    Aren't these the commercials that have people talking out of voices boxes, smoking through their throat? If I recall correctly some anti-smoking commercials are funded by tobacco companies because of some sort of legal agreement. A warning label promising death apparently isn't enough. Don't take my word for it though, I could be wrong.

  3. OG commercials had like thousands of body bags outside the front door of a "big tobacco headquarter" building.

    my question is why havent cigarette prices gone down since the e-cigarette business has gotten so big? or has it not reached that level yet?
  4. I hate thos commercials
  5. Yeah, these commercials are the worst. They show people who have lost limbs from smoking, but never mention their medical history...diabetes etc. and they never say how much they smoked. Is there any doubt Terry who died at 50, didn't smoke 2 packs a day? Four cigarettes a day will not cause these problems. It is a matter of moderation.
  6. I don't really watch TV so I don't see commercials.

    I remember all of the old school ones though. And the anti-pot commercial with the talking dog[​IMG]

  7. I don't think they're tobacco company sponsored.. but the rebellious asshole in me always wants to go light up a cigarette after seeing a truth commercial.
  8. I hate those commercials so much. So much misinformation, so many fallacies, lies, propaganda. Jesus Christ. The actual evidence of the effects of smoking is scary enough. Can't they achieve more with honesty vs this rhetoric nonsense?
  9. lets be honest... smoking tobacco is FUCKING DELICIOUS....i tried cigs once few years ago. They were so smooth and tasty but i complety binged out. I was also completely sconed, so anything was fffing yummy[​IMG] im not sure what my point is
  11. what adult would care about looking "cool" or "uncool"?

    those commercials are probably aimed towards kids
  12. I don't watch TV. Don't know what you're talking about.

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