We are all alone.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by travilanche, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. Does anyone else feel like we are completely alone? I mean we can connect with other people on a superficial level, but when it comes down to it, we are completely alone within our own heads, completely unable to connect with other people. No matter how close you get to another person it is still like you are completely alone. A temporary, sentient being floating alone through the universe with no real purpose and no ability to connect to the other equal beings floating through the universe.

    As cryptic as this is...does anyone else feel like this? Completely alone without the ability to connect with others
  2. You're going through a phase
  3. On the outside, yes it seems to be so. That is a very upper chakra imbalanced attitude. And what mistefingerz said lol
  4. The superficiality of people and our typical interactions is a bummer to me. Other than the people in my personal life i am close to, in this society we arent very open, i feel like i dont get to know the actual person.
    I wouldnt say i have this feeling of isolation and loneliness though.
  5. No we are full of energy and shit we are the universe which uni means one and verse means space and shit so maybe one with space or alone with space.
  6. I prefer it this way
  7. The "world" takes your lead. Once you open up, the world responds in kind.

    Anyhooo, that's what I learned along the way.
  8. I agree. But I don't let it bum me out lol. When you break it down, our existences are like you described. Most of the thoughts and information we have can't even really be described to another person with any accuracy. For example, the exact way you felt the day you graduated high school. The way you remember it is pieced together by probably thousands of bits of information being recalled about the moment. There's really no way to communicate all of that to another person in a way that would paint a complete enough picture that they could actually understand your exact feelings from that day.

    All of these experiences and feelings that make up a life can only ever be truly known by the individual. Think of it as "your version of the story" of your life. And when you pass, it passes with you, never to exist or be known of again, forever. BUMMER! lol
  9. #10 Oni~, Jul 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2015
    I think to argue one way or another on this issue is to ignore the fact that we are all not in fact the same, nor are our environments.

    Some of us are more wired to the hive mind and find more inclusion in their life. Others simply are not. Introversion and Extroversion are one way of talking about this.

    Some posters here may completely feel the way OP does. Others may feel the exact opposite. The world is full of people who for millennia have been saying "You are born alone, you die alone". At the same time it is full of people who have found inspiration and connectivity to others.

    If I am teleported to a Bieber concert, I will feel incredibly alone and out of place, but at the same time, I will be surrounded by thousands of people who are connected by some weird force that unites them. It seems the only thing we can argue for is whether or not we are in a group that suits us or if we are alone in our current time and place. To say NO isolation exists is equally wrong as saying that inclusion is ubiquitous or natural. Circumstance defines the conversation.

    Finally, as one poster mentioned, let's not forget the obvious. All emotions one ever experiences are experienced in the privacy of one's own head. You being sad/happy/afraid/horny/whatever is not broadcast to the rest of the world. Even when it is (social media) it is still just a statement one is making to the outside world and the emotion is not transplanted to the audience's own mind to become its own. By the definition of that process, everything you experience is in fact not shared by everyone else equally or at all. This can logically be interpreted as exclusion, loneliness, solitude.

  10. Yes. I feel it all the time. I'm an observer. I love to stand away from the crowd and observe the crowd.

    The idea that we cannot connect to others outside a superficial level is not true. We are connected to others all the time. We are connected to everything! It APPEARS that we are separate when we observe the world with the 5 senses, however the world only appears that way when we have decoded the frequency (the base construct) with our minds. (5 senses)

    Even though it appears SOLID it's not. It's just an illusion created by our minds. Just like Bill Hicks said "The ride convinces you its real because that's how powerful our mind are." If a table is made of atoms, and atoms have no solidity, how can it possibly be solid?

    You ever be with someone, or something, and you can just feel its energy? Like you know there angry or happy regardless of body language or audible communication? We communicate in so many ways! This reality which we observe is 0.005% of the universe. Visible light, what we see, is a FRACTION of that!
    There are many other levels of reality which we communicate on, however we have been dulled into not perceiving them and thinking that THIS (what we observe) is all there is.

    I could go on and on and on literally. I suggest you listen to David Icke talks on reality. It's important to note that this man said that pedophiles were running British government in the 90's! 2 decades later now look at the headlines. He also said Obama is a fraud, again I say now look.

    whoa...(puts weed pipe down slowly)...where did that come from..

  11. #12 shaddytheman, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2015
    We're all connected to each other since we're made out of stardust (http://www.physicscentral.com/explore/poster-stard...), we consist of carbon, hydrogen, silica, and iron, might be one missing one more element, but you catch my drift. Let me use multi-dimensional thinking for this, we may feel alone if

    - We disclose less in a conversation, this means less intimacy aka closeness
    - Misunderstanding each other, both parties engaged in conflict
    - Lack of listening or less attention
    - Closed body language. Think of cliques and sub-culture groups, they use body language to convey their expression.
    - Anxiety
    - Not having a companion to talk too

    Oxytocin is the hormone that is associated with social bonding, I have both introvert and extrovert tendencies aka ambivert, which means I enjoy talking to people, but I also value solitude.

  13. You do everything in life alone. Even if you're with a group of people jumping off a bridge you still jump alone.

    Life alone isn't bad though because it's why you have free will. You get to make the decisions because you alone control your actions.

    It would be weird not living life alone.
  14. #16 willywagpole, Jul 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
    Found a better one

  15. Free will doesn't actually exist. Behavior is controlled by neurobiology and processes we have no conscious control over.
  16. In fact, in so-called "conscious decision making", the consciousness producing regions of the brain - the parts that we watch on fMRIs dim out when the subject is being given a general anesthetic - are the last to get the result after all the zillions of weighted comparisons have been performed, quite on their own without conscious attention, and somewhere a summing junction fires like a machine gun on D-day - signaling enough!

    The life preserving fight or flight mechanisms always get the data analysis results first. The painting of consciousness so we feel like we made the decision, like the updating of an industrial machine's HMI, doesn't rank especially high on the list of priorities updates. Which is why magic seems magical. lol
  17. I agree, I used to feel like that, but look at animals, could birds fly in formation if they were "alone" they have to be connected some how, or when you know what someone is gonna say before they say it, everything and everyone is connected, everything in this dimension vibrates at 7.23 wavelength, if you could vibrate to a different wave length you essentially would be in a different world, nothing around you would be there
  18. I feel completely this way, it scares the shit out of me.
    Do you know a lot about chakras?

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