The enlightened

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by pickledpie, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. The enlightened know neither birth not death. The flit through life with the lightest of desires. They never desire outside their bounds and thus things come to them with ease. The sage acts without dwelling in action. They make not the slightest disturbance, no ripples of karma come of their actions. Truly a lotus floating atop the world. Become uninvested in every single afair and did in that state of non-being and then be reborn, the gold nectar of life nurtured in accordance with Tao. What is that life? So pure it disappears from the mind.

    The sages understand the one mind. The mind divided is not the one mind. Those who meditate on the one mind and grasp the root, drift upon the thought. They come and go like they were never there. The world left so changed but unaware of the cause. Each moment is what? Tear down that wall and see.
  2. Love your new avatar 😉

    Interesting passage here, we could all apply this im sure.

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