Removing the Confederate Flag

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Vicious, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Lol, yeah it's the American gov trying to put a revisionists view on this subject.
    You are just echoing sentiment without foundation. We have not repeated the same links and sources that are in this very thread for you to read and explore. :smoke:

  2. I dont think we could have beaten the soviets, as in keep going east after defeating germany.
    Also, germany did defeat the russians, kinda. After the bolsheviks surrendered, the treaty of brest-litovsk ceded A LOT of territory to the germans and austro-hungarians. Im pretty sure lenin even restarted the war, and the germans repelled the attack and returned to the aforementioned agreement.
    Ill have to check up on all this again :)
  3. ^ This - and avoiding toxic people - is easily one of the easiest ways people can improve their life.

    As long as you are a righteous person and attempt to do good unto others, you are under no obligation to give a fuck about what the media or the monolith known as society wants you to be up-in-arms about...

  4. Let's remove everything in life that offends someone. Shit that's everything. There's nothing left. Guess we'll be standing butt naked in the streets. Ohhh that's right nudity is offensive.
  5. I think you're confusing us with the Sweden, France or the UK

  6. Depends on the nudist.
  7. true true....I should of said people tend to feel offended when they see me nude.
  8. I tend to get offended when people see me nude. Except for my husband of course. :p
  9. This....

    Attached Files:

  10. the media destroyed his life and made him out to be a nazi.

    I applaud anyone that can turn around and exploit the medias fuckery like that, cant just let them get away with ruining lives. Btw George Zimmerman did nothing wrong im not here to debate his case im just saying the victims of media witchhunts are never left with many options.

  11. The "Rothchild Family has been behind every single war in history. And for what you may ask? To establish their family run Banks in every country. Any country that denies the Rothchild Bank in their country has been pretty much executed and wars have been started killing innocent people along the way.
  12. [​IMG]
  13. The United States flag represents treason just as much as the Confederate flag. The United States fought against a tyrant government back in the Revolutionary War and the South did the same during the Civil War.
  14. Its pretty fkn funny. I see more confederate flags sold now then before all this stupidity started. I bet the manufacturers of the flags are loving all this publicity. When we moved to Illinois I thought I would hardly ever see a confederate now they're flying everywhere. Just calling them freedom flags now. That's what they get for trying to force people and take away our
  15. It's like the same shit as gun control haha. I don't think most people want private sellers to stop selling them, unless they're an idiot, so I don't really get why Amazon bowed down. The statehouse I can understand but all the shit after was retarded.
  16. I need to thank all those companies who decided to not sell the confederate flag. Thank you for spreading southern hospitality and making the southern Cross more prominent then ever. It makes these northern states feel so much more like home.
  17. I mean they do have a point in that it's pretty weird that some public buildings in the South fly what amounts to the battle flag of a defeated rebel army, but other than that, I don't really give that much of a fuck what people might choose to hang in their car windows or in front of their house or whatever.

  18. Wrong- The U.S. Flag represents revolution - a victory for the cause of liberty of all people. The Confederate Flag is the symbol of an ill-conceived rebellion against a government that was trying to live up to its charter of individual liberty.

    What is the difference between rebellion and revolution.... victory of course.
  19. The confederate flag is not racist. Slavery is racist.

    if an individual wants to fly a confederate flag, they are free to do so. (and I am free to think of them as an ignorant red neck)

    A state should not be able to fly a confederate flag. The confederacy was defeated, and it should have been. To continue to fly a flag of war, after you have accepted peace is bad-form

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