Anyone here from the UK...

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by Hannah256, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. I have a lot of different friendship groups but nobody I know likes to smoke up. I have two brothers who I adore and we always have the best smoking sessions but they both live quite far away so I find myself often smoking alone on weekends and stuff. Not that I don't go out but I feel really judged and like people look down on me for going out and being high. Pretty judgemental actually because I always see people in a complete drunken mess and that seems to be acceptable! But would be cool to know if people locally feel the same!
  2. I'm not from the UK but I totally agree. I prefer weed to alchohol, once I asked a friend (who doesn't smoke) if they could give some weed oil to another friend of mine who enjoys smoking. My non weed friend yelled out, ''I don't carry drugs on me.'' I thought, ''Well what the fuck is alchohol then?!'' I live in the US in the state of Oregon where marijuana has just been legalized in July. What are the rules like in the UK?
  3. I suppose it depends who you talk to over here, a lot of people smoke and I've often overheard people out and about mention it and I'll bet most people have used it more than once, but because it's still illegal here most people will keep pretty hush and not talk about it too much. They have just put a blanket ban on all legal highs which leaves me no hope in making marijuana legal any time soon. It sucks so much cos they always go on and on about alcohol is a huge problem for the NHS and people doing stupid things binge drinking. If you could see the state of the country on a weekend with people out in town and police and paramedics and hospital staff, they would need no where near the amount of resources if they would marijuana legal
  4. What and spoil a good battle on a Saturday night!

    Nae lass lol
  5. A lot more people smoke in the uk then you would think, I never realised until I started working in a shop but the amount if people who would buy king size Rizla was crazy lol. All different age groups jobs etc The car park outside seemed to be a popular place to skin up and have a morning joint on the way to work as well
  6. I guess your right lol I always get a multipack of rizla and there's often an exchange of looks like "hey another stoner" but I'm always really careful about who I mention it to because some people automatically think I'm a druggie or something. I dunno maybe I just worry to much about what people think of me! Haha

  7. Calm down lady theirs loads of us :)
  8. #8 Deleted member 839659, Sep 10, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
    My sis used to live in London and according to her everyone smokes there

    She now lives in Dublin. Haven't asked about the bud situation
  9. I'm the only smoker out my friends

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. Whey, UK! Newcastle represent :)

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