Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by AustinSuggett124, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Snozzberries

    SeNt FrOm My•🌟☆GaL@x¥ $5☆🌟•
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  2. [​IMG]
    The world (general population) may never know!
  3. Now it probably has less secret stuff then it used to. Probably to distract us from where they currently test the super secret stuff. I forgot the name but the base is in utah.
  4. This pix are not phonies! I took them myself! [​IMG]
    Go ahead, laugh. Someday you'll see this is all true.
  5. You wouldn't be here posting this if you went through to the gate; There's two signs on the dirt road leading to the gate explicitly stating that if you pass the signs you will be subject to search, arrest, etc.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I do get a nice mental image of OP trying to get on a military base, dumb founded they have guns and are recording him.
  7. All while stoned
  8. probably just secret military technology. I actually had a friend in college who's father worked there. He couldn't talk about what was there under threat of death. Even to his own family. So I never learned any secrets. My friend didn't even know because his father took his oath deathly serious...because he had to. If he told anyone he and anyone he told would be killed. Including his family.

    But it seems to me that if the secrets were of an otherworldly nature, you would have to tell someone, meaning your family. Which he obviously didn't tell. Which leads me to believe that the information he had was probably very advanced, but definitely not extraterrestrial.

    When you think about it, if Aliens were to come here, they wouldn't send actual physical beings. They would send probes, rovers, etc. the nearest system capable of supporting life is what....20,000 light years away? If they had the technology to get here, they would be beyond risking their own lives in a simple terrestrial crash. The notion that we have alien bodies from such a mishap is preposterous.
  9. Reverse engineered alien tech, ohh and snozeberries.
  10. When you guys find out whats there, someone clue us in. We want to know.
  11. The mystery is over.


  12. If i tell you what is in Area 51 RMJL will chase me till the center of the world
  13. Area 51 is where they grow the "really good shit". You'll never get any of it. It all goes to POTUS, SCOTUS, and Congress.
  14. I'll tell you what's in area 51.
    But not here, not now.
  15. None of your business.
    If they wanted you to know they would hold an open day.

    Somethings are kept secret for our own good.
  16. Janet flights at certain intervals...often in the 737 class of planes.

    Just Another Non-Existent Terminal

    The Janet flights do go to a few other destinations though, all of military interest.

  17. Secret aircraft mostly, I have seen photos of SR-71s on a runway at area 51. So now that you know, and it isn't aliens, happy?
  18. I highly doubt its for our own good.

    Its more likely to keep the technology secret from foreign governments

  19. The cure for cancer.

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