transplanting indoor from outdoor

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by spencermaltby2468, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. Hello everyone. I have three pot plants about two feet tall and they are outside in my garden. My landlord is coming tomorrow for inspection and i need to dig them up, but i'm not sure how to do it and don't know if it will damage the roots too bad. Any advise?

  2. I would say it's impossible without killing the plants or damaging them pretty bad. Is it a hole in the ground with your soil or are you using native soil? If you planted directly in the ground there is no way to tell how further your roots went and you could very easily fuck up... Isn't there other way of covering it up?
  3. Can you cover them with something while he's there? You can dig them up but you most likely will damage some roots or even worse. If you dig them up make sure to start wide and deep.
  4. I dug them up but when i put them back i put them in 5 gallon buckets with good potting soil. hopefully they bounce back.

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