Being high enhances, not creates.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Jukebox Joints, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Im not sure if anybody feels the same way, but there are many many sensations that my body has gone through and goes through everyday, and new experiences may create a new sensation, or it may trigger a past sensation that you've previously had. For me, each sensation comes with an emotion. Nostgia for example, is one of the greatest sensations I've ever felt, and it comes with the emotion of being "happy, relaxed". One can even take it to the simple form of having and orgasm, thats pretty fuckin great too lol. When i'm under the influence of marijuana, these sensations increase 10 fold, but I still have to have an event while im under the influence trigger the sensation. Lets say you have had an event during your life that was great, and it happened during a particular song, or a certain smell was involved. Listening to that song or smelling that smell (lol) will give you a sense of nostalgia. However when you're high that sensation just feels so much stronger. This brings me to the point, could we naturally enhance these sensations? (I know marijuana is 'natural' but im talking being completely sober, and accessing part of your brain in your own mental state, not by a chemical) ive never tried meditation, or even lucid dreaming (if that fits in a category of 'sensation', I wouldnt know, ive tried but have never succeeded.). I hope you guys could follow along what I just typed. I have a rough time staying on track, im just thinking about so many things right now.
  2. Not sure what this has to do with philosophy to be honest.
  3. Hm I guess you're right but Philosophy is a study of reason, mind, existence etc.. so I didnt exactly know where to put this.
  4. I actually never felt like weed enhances anything for me

    In fact for me sex is better sober.

    I just like that weed makes me feel happy. Like when I'm just the right amount high, I could chat with hitler himself. Nothing can get me down

    Coarse I can already be friends with anyone. Its one if my talents

    I understand... I think. Are you asking if there is a way to enhance your feelings of nostalgia, or any other sensation, without any outside influence? Such as marijuana etc.
     Totally feel the same way. I feel that I'm already so happy and content that the need for 'enhancement' in non existent.
    Although I love to indulge in Mary Jane, it's more for the pleasure of the high itself, and not for enhancement of the activities that follow.

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