So what do you believe in? :)

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Daedric-Poison, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. Hey everyone!
    I made this poll just because Im curious! :)
    I am not an expert on this field so if I did something not correct Im sorry in this case I just didnt know better :D
    If you want to explain your belief in detail in a post :)
    This poll is just for fun, no survey or anything else official is attached.
    So here I'll start:
    I believe in God, but in the one I was told about as a kid: the one who loves everyone and everybody. Who forgives all sins and doesnt have any kind of prejudice.
    And Im kind of an Animist - I believe there is a soul in everything; and God is in the end just one big spirit of nature (and would never punish anyone for worshipping another spirit beside him - he is a god not a sadistic and narcisstic idiot :D)
    So I think that nature itself has its hands in everything around and when we torture it enough it will wipe us out and throw us off this planet.
    For nature, I think it talks to us through the wind and the songs of the birds etc.
    Well this gives you a small picture of what I believe in because its sometimes complicated and not really fitting in any pigeonhole.
    Oh and just to make this clear - Im zero baked at the moment :D :D
    So whats your belief/spirituality?

  2. I believe the universe is infinite and contains things beyond human comprehension, and that everything happens at random. There's too much we don't understand and i don't see the point in pretending i do.
    As far as spirituality goes, i believe in reincarnation and possibly the "egg theory" look it up if you want your mind blown. Consciousness could be a kind of energy, and since energy can't be destroyed and only change forms, where else for it go other than into another life form about to be born. 
    I'm a skeptic though, i'm just trying to find what makes the most sense to me. 
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  3. All of them and none of them. Why identify with one expression of truth more than another?
  4. I believe in God .. I'm gay as shit I believe he loves me no matter what because everyday I wake up in happy and good things happen to me. I don't like churches I think it's bs I don't believe u need to sit in a building full of judgmental close minded and hypocritical people in order to show god you love and appreciate him.. My father on the other hand does but I'm 22 so he can't force me to go .. Sorry guys I'm buzzing right now as well
  5. Any language to identify that creative/destructive force that is Conscious Awareness cheapens It....
    I'll leave it as 'God is Existence Itself'. It is All, and we are animated in It....just a little speck. It permeates every rock and every molecule in the Universe.
  6. i believe in myself. but only some of the time.
  7. #7 VaWaveRider, Jun 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2015
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster. He boiled for your sins. Pastafarianism is the way, the truth, and the light. 
  8. all existence derives from a singular source of eternal energy& infinite potential; never at fault, with the prime directive: ‘to be'
  9. Ramen brother...

    What do you boil pasta in? What is the world 3/4 covered in? Why is the earth the shape of a meatball?...the truth is just staring us right in the face
  10. atheist, agnostic, i-don't-give-a-shit-ist, it's-all-man-made-bullshit-anyway-ist, satanist, rapist
    Any/all of the above ^
  11. I believe in whatever I find to be most coherent and defensible. My beliefs continue to change, I seek truth but from my limited perspective, it's proven rather elusive. I will continue my journey with honesty and an open mind.
  12. Around people in real life? Nothing, I try to let facts and data show me what's actually going on.

    But in private, I guess my whacked out ideals are closest related to something Lovecraft like.
  13. So if god forgives all sins I can do whatever the fuck I want right? No persecution, no penalties, no eternity in hell? I can do anything?
  14. Well I think God forgives those things but there is still a kind of hell for those really bad people (like people who rape innocent children) and these ones will be tortured for eternity.
    The fact that God forgives your sins doesnt mean you are not ending up in this hell if you do the really bad stuff.
  15. I do belied in God, I'm catholic :)
  16. I believe in my own principles
  17. I've touched his noodley appendage and I have felt the love of the FSM! All of our sins, boiled away with a little bit of olive oil and basil.
  18. FSM putrefied years ago
  19. #19 squidrick420, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2015
    ^FSM is eternal. Has your local grocery store ever run out of spaghetti? Coincidence? I think not [​IMG]
    On a serious note. I am my own god. I pick and choose aspects of other religions and apply them to my life but I will never kneel down to a higher power. I really like Daoism for that very reason, there is no "god" in the western sense but rather a great energy that is intangible yet everything flows around it. It has no conscious yet it is the very essence of consciousness.
  20. I think the idea of kneeling (metaphorically or literally) would be shunned by God anyway. I believe in personal sovereignty, and freedom of the will. If we must kneel we are not free but subjects of a celestial dictator. If we are subjects, i am not interested in submission.

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