Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Storm Crow, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. \tMedical cannabis a possibility for Missouri\tHouse Bill 800 would make Missouri the 24th state to legalize medical cannabis.[​IMG]
    Mary Hilleren/Graphic Designer
    By Mica Soellner
    June 3, 2015

    Missouri could soon be the 24th state to legalize medical cannabis, after becoming the 19th state to decriminalize the possession of marijuana in May 2014. House Bill 800, sponsored by Rep. Dave Hinson, R-St. Clair, would establish the “Missouri Compassionate Care Act,” allowing licensed medical cannabis centers and production facilities to provide medical cannabis to patients with qualifying needs, effective in 2017.
    \tUpon returning from a Washington, D.C., conference hosted by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, MU NORML executive director Benton Berigan shared concern over the enactment of HB 800.
    \t“From a patient's point-of-view, it wasn't very good,” Berigan said. “HB800 gave no option for home (cannabis) cultivation, and would only allow access through dispensaries. Many patients already have numerous medical bills and home cultivation would be a beneficial alternative. The government would only be collecting more tax revenue through it (medical cannabis), and patients would benefit.”
    \tThe medical cannabis center would need to obtain a license valid for two years. The license only allows facilities to sell medical cannabis grown in the licensee's cultivation and production facility and medical cannabis-infused products produced in the licensee's cultivation and production facility.
    \tPatients interested would need to be 21 years of age or older. All applicants would be fingerprinted and undergo a background check. Restrictions, including where medical cannabis may be used or possessed, have been determined.
    \tHB 800 would reduce the possible sentences associated with the sale and cultivation of cannabis, said John Payne, executive director and treasurer of Show Me Cannabis.
    \t“It's an issue that has been urgent for a long time, and people are beginning to recognize it,” Payne said. “The problems between the police and the community arresting 20,000 people in the state (of) Missouri is unnecessary and unjust and creates mistrust that should not be there. Police are not doing their proper role of protecting property but are just there to arrest and harass, which creates problems.”
    \tPayne said he believes the bill will create an abundance of social and economic benefits, as well as help criminal and legality issues.
    \t“Revenues will be brought in,” Payne said. “Improved tax revenue, economic benefits, a drop in criminal records will all help instead of perpetuating a life of crime.Law enforcement could focus on really serious crime like rape, robbery or murder.”
    \tHowever, sophomore Stephanie Sandoval said she is concerned about how HB 800 could potentially impact the well-being of the community.
    \t“I think police would have to change their policy (for those who have a) certification for cannabis and who does not,” Sandoval said. “Teenagers are also more at risk of using it if there is that kind of access. I just hope they figure out a system where they can do more good than harm and not make cannabis disposable to everyone.”
    \tThe bill was passed in the Emerging Issues Committee on March 12 and through the Select Committee on General Laws on March 31, allowing it to move for further consideration. If passed, the bill will become effective August 2015.
    \tTo help you find your Rep's name and address- http://www.mo.gov/government/elected-officials/
    \tTalking points, (But put it nicer than I did! [​IMG] )
    \tCops in California manage to be able to read a recommendation and make a phone call to see if it is valid. Are the cops in Missouri unable to read or make a phone call?
    \tTeen use does NOT go up where cannabis is legal!
    \t"National-level drug policy and young people's illicit drug use: A multilevel analysis of the European Union" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23298650
    \tStudy: Depenalizing Drug Possession Offenses Associated With Lower Drug Consumption Rates Among Young People       (news – 2013)
    \tMore good than harm? 
    \t“Both violent crime and property crime fell in Denver in 2014. Violent crime was down by 2.2% in the first 11 months of 2014, compared with a 1.1% decline the year before. Burglaries were down 9.5%, and overall property crime 8.9%. This, the DPA say, is evidence of legalization's success” from “Marijuana legalization in Colorado: One year on” [SIZE=8pt]   [/SIZE][SIZE=8pt]http://www.adamsmith.org/blog/liberty-justice/marijuana-legalization-in-colorado-one-year-on/[/SIZE]
    \tMedical Marijuana Cuts Suicide Rates By 10% In Years Following Legalization  (news – 2014)   http://www.medicaldaily.com/medical-marijuana-cuts-suicide-rates-10-years-following-legalization-268472
    \tStates With Medical Marijuana Laws Have Fewer Opioid Overdose Deaths      
    \t(news – 2014)
    \t“MEDlCAL MARlJUANA Laws, Traffic Fatalities, and Alcohol Consumption” http://gatton.uky.edu/faculty/sandford/391_f13/marijuana.pdf    “The first full year after coming into effect, legalization is associated with an 8–11 percent decrease in traffic fatalities”! 
    \tCouples' Marijuana Use Is Inversely Related to Their Intimate Partner Violence Over the First 9 Years of Marriage.     (abst – 2014)    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25134048
    \tMarijuana Use Results in Less Domestic Violence     (news – 2014)
    \thttp://blog.sfgate.com/smellthetruth/2014/08/19/marijuana-in-marriage-equals-less-violence-study-finds/        (domestic violence calls are among the most dangerous for police)    
    \tAnd then there is always this-  
    \t“Colorado has the fastest growing economy in the United States, and Colorado's unemployment rate is at a six-year low.” From “Status Report:  Marijuana Legalization in Colorado After One Year of Retail Sales and Two Years of Decriminalization” http://www.drugpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Colorado_Marijuana_Legalization_One_Year_Status_Report.pdf 
    \tOK, I've done everything but write the dang letter for you! YOUR TURN! [​IMG]
  2. i wish they'd just legalize it completely here. although progress, this would just be an attempt to delay the inevitable.

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