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Dutty Pantys Advetures in Docs high brix budland

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Dutty Panty, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Hello all I'm an ex 420 member. I grow on a moderately large scale. This journal will feature my Strains growing in doc buds high brix kit. My other journals will feature my house and garden and my led trials.

    In my main bloom it's 15x15 with 14 hortilux 600 hps bulbs and 7 lumatek dual 600 's. So today I'll start posting pics and just start where I left off on 420.
  2. Count me in bud. I still wanna follow along with your LED experience.
  3. Alright. Cool beans. Yeah today I'll get my platinumled thread up too. Thanks for coming antics means a lot. Very bummed about 420 and there reactions to minor situations.
    Figuring out the ends and outs. I do have a you tube channel dutty panty.
  4. Yup! I'm here too. Wouldn't miss a Dutty grow, regardless of the site attached to it. [​IMG]
  5. Thanks guys. Sucks about 420 I made that my home. Hope things get fixed there. In the mean time I'll keep on keeping on and journal away. Hopefully by this evening I'll have it figured out here. Very slow day. Got some packages to send and then back home gardens are all caught up and I'm really gonna focus on my led trials with platinum it has stayed between 78-81 with no exhaust or anything. Pretty impressive stuff. So glad I didn't try garbage first. Platinum at this point I'm very impressed with and I've been growing indoors since 2001.
  6. Sweet! I am really considering switching to LED's so I need all the info I can get. I have been emailing a few different reps and talking with them and so far I am still kinda torn on the tech and stuff. 
    Hopefully things get sorted brother. 
  7. Great now Dans here with his flux to make my grow look like shit lol
    Yeah I agree man, and I got yelled at for saying you were a good guy, because of the no talking about banned people rule. Seems a little absurd.. but whatever.
    Yeah LEDs rock for temps man. I have my two panels (150-170w draw each) in a 26"x40" closet, doors closed, and temps hit 75-76 with no exhaust. With exhaust I'm usually sitting at 74 solid.
    Thanks for insulting my budget LEDs lol
  8. Budget is always the best to start with. If you only saw my first indoor or shit first 6 lol. Talking 1/4 oz yields lmao.

    Maybe we can get you a platinum I could help a Lil maybe cover a chunk of the cost.
  9. There's my led trial thread. I'll take fresh pics of my whole setup today and start doing what I do

    Thanks guys it does mean a lot to have friends here too. And I'm very bummed about not being able to continue forward on 420 I felt like I was an important part of our community but I guess I was mistaken. I'm used to just being a number so I guess it's ok.
  10. I had the same 1/4 ounce yields on my first two plants, oh.. and an awesome .87g yield on another I over watered and didn't give any good light to.
    More CFLs and I was yielding 1-2 ounces, and now I'm working on LEDs.
    Thank you I appreciate the offer, but no thank you on the light. I hate getting shit for free/cheap when I've done nothing to earn it. I've been this way my whole life, I'm not good at getting gifts either. The offer, and thought means a lot though. But you've done a lot to help me already man.
    Sometimes shit happens man. I'm sure I'm not far from a ban. They probably have my name somewhere with a bunch of check marks next to it..
  11. Really!?!  Someone has the Buds4All name.  Damn.  Oh well, Dugville is here.
    Dutty, Antics, Dan.  Good to see you guys.
  12. Spread the word. Dutty's on grass city.
  13. Alright dugville,USA great spot to stop and blaze.
  14. You realize I'm never going to remember your name from 420? Every time someone changed their name, 20 minutes later I had no idea who the hell they were.
    But nice to see you man!
  15. I'll always be Thee Dutty Panty.

  16. Same for me, quite a heavy hand they use.
  17. This space for rent. Love that. Lmao.
  18. Dutty, you just received another compliment, which I'm sure will be edited soon, but I snagged it:


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