Americans Getting Stupider....In Last 100 years IQ Has Fallen 14 points...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by DivineVictoryX, Jun 1, 2015.


    You can thank the Government for that one.

    Sources in the video.

    They should start teaching people how to think and not what. Develop Critical Thinking Skills and question everything.
  2. Funny but not surprising if true....
    Just walking around and laying eyes on typical Americans, you'd think this one would be hard to refute [​IMG]
    The people here get dumber and fatter each year - bellies grow, brain capacity shrinks. 
    Infowars main page isn't a source for the claim but I'll take you at your word anyways. I don't necessarily need a source for something I experience daily.
  4. I don't need a study from Harvard or Infowars or anywhere else to tell me Americans are getting dumber each year. All I need is a few trips to Wal-Mart and some public events to see the freakshow and the decay of society first hand. 
  5. I need a foreigner sponsored by Infowars to tell me this?
    OooooK. :smoke:
  6. This is why I plan to leave the country for good as soon as I am financially able to, but it seems like I'll be here a while since the US makes life way more difficult than it needs to be.
  7. #9 marleysoccer, Jun 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2015
    was it around iraq war when .. "if u dont like it u can git out" .. and now.. they all wanna get out
  8. "Stupider" is not even a word. Where are you from OP?
  9. Do you guys blame the government for everything? For a group of people who espouse a lot of stuff about personal responsibility you sure seem to blame everyone but the American public for their faults .

    I think a lack of critical thinking comes a lot more from parents who don't know how to teach their kids how to think for themselves, than necessarily from the school. Not to say that schools aren't partially to blame, but I think a lot more of the blame should fall on the parents in this Country. My parents taught me to question and think critically about everything. If this wasn't instilled in me from an early age then I would never be able to take in things critically. I think a lot of parents don't teach these critical thinking skills because they don't want their kids to rebel. The problem is this combined with people being used to instantly being gratified leads to people blindly following narratives that are easy to attach onto, which don't necessarily hold a lot of merit.
  10. it's funny because it's true
    It's ironic isn't it.. 
    Assigning blame absolves one of any feelings of personal responsibility. You don't need to gov to be smart or dumb. That's not to say they're not benefiting from dumb people. But I went through the public school system, and I'm not smart, but let's say I'm confident that I would beat OP in Jeopardy.

    Isn't it though? I thought girls went to Jupiter to get more stupider 
  12. Very Interesting...
    comparative adjective: stupider

  13. People's lack of compassion is much more frightening than their intellect IMO. 
  14. We've been stupefied once again. [​IMG]
    Don't ya just hate when that happens?
  15. #17 yurigadaisukida, Jun 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2015
    you are mistaken if you think HUMANS will stop acting like ANIMALS just because you move to some other arbitrary environment

    Idk what's up with this murica hate. As though humans elsewhere are smarter. Pffft.

    We are all just fucking animals

  16. I never said anything about trying to escape humans acting like animals... I like to think I am rather savage myself. I'm just trying to escape corporate greed, poor education systems, lack of good jobs, the constant need for some kind of national enemy, the racism, the sexism, the rest of the "isms," bi-partisan politics, religious politics (I live in the Southeast so that is still a big thing here), and of course the outrageously expensive healthcare costs that left my parents with massive debt and a failing business. That is why I want to leave. Nowhere is perfect, but I am convinced that there are places, perhaps France, where I would be much better off.
  17. My sister loved this country, until she started traveling.
    My opinions are biased since I haven't been able to travel.

    But I'd leave if I was financially able to.
  18. very strange. I almost called my grade school English teacher but then I searched " define stupider" and nothing came up. Weird. Maybe its like 1 of the slang words that are now in the dictionary

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