Fallout (Videogame) Community

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by CasperTheTokerGhost, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. So I'm chillin' on twitter right and i follow a fallout meme thing and i saw their requests for fallout 4. Haha it was funny. I have an idea for the fellow stoners, potheads, people who smoke weed and have played any of the fallout series.
    For fallout 4 coming soon(confirmed and might be shown at E3) and I would like to see any of your guys' requests of fallout 4 or even funny things that happened in the fallout world. I might make seperate topics and link it here like for example if you want to talk all fallout 3 or stories etc, i might, but for now if you want to tell us some funny fallout stories that you have encountered, things that you hate that spawns, favorite thing to do, or ideas for the next fallout game.
    If mutated centipedes came into fallout 4 i might not even play the game haha. I cant wait for fallout 4. One thing i hope they would do is  co-op with friends where they can come into your world or go into theirs and play along with missions. like even the main story line that would be cool. Online would be weird with the vats system.
    Share your ideas, stories, or anything about any Fallout Game!

  2. Not confirmed just yet, but more than likely coming at E3. I can't see Behesda coming to another E3 with nothing but a new Doom game or something like that. The question is will it just be a teaser for a game that's still a few years away, or will they have a playable demo? If they do have a demo I'd expect a 2016 release.

    I agree that Fallout should explore co-op, but I think that would likely come in the form of a separate MMORPG: as you said I don't see how VATS would work.

    I'm really looking forward to learning where the game is going to take place more than anything. Boston and San Fran were both rumored, and both sound cool.
  3. I love Fallout but I'd prefer a new TES game. At least consoles are getting TES Online on the 9th.
  4. Fallout 3 was dope until it glitched out on xbox and made me start over like 7 hours in. 
    And when the computer version I then bought glitched out and wouldn't work.
    If they got their shit together I would probably play it. 
  5. @thedavesiknow oh i thought it was confirmed. After last years disappointment of E3, i was mad at bethesda but now in excited. Rumors have it at 2016 release i hope. Honestly idc for any demo i just needa date haha.

    @MajesticRaven haha yeee i want to go back into playing fallout 3 but a couple times i was playing point lookout dlc on ps3.... 5 1/2 in i forgot to save and my ps3 froze. It happened 3 times. After 3 i havent played since haha. I had so many rare guns tho thanks to orcidea from youtube hah.

    @Randy Savage lmfaoooooo i cant hahah
  6. It was sort of confirmed. A few weeks ago a freelance artist/level designer listed "Fallout 4" to his portfolio complete with a few stills that could easily be from a new game. No characters or clues to the location, but they definitely had the dusty "Fallout" look. Rumors started after that Bethesda would be announcing Fallout 4 at E3, and shortly after Bethesda issued a statement basically saying that until you hear it from us anything you here about a new Fallout game isn't true. So who knows.
  7. Oblivion and Fallout 3 were some of the first RPGs I played, and that's essentially the only genre of games I even play anymore; I'm hooked. [​IMG]
    But New Vegas and Skyrim didn't do anything for me. If there's a mod for Skyrim to get rid of all the in-game cutscenes and voice-acting and replace it with text dialogue and narratives, I'd probably love the game. I'd rather read than watch, and a lot of the dialogue and in-game cutscenes from Skyrim just felt too drawn out for my liking. I'm hopeful for the new Fallout game, but my guess is that it'll just be a lot like Skyrim. 
    But that's all OK, because there's Wasteland 2 for people like me, and it's awesome. [​IMG]
    No. It's been 5 years since the last fallout, fuck TES.
    The game will be released this year or 2016 probably, they had plenty of time for making it.
  10. choo choo here comes the hype train mothefuckers 
  11. Is it...is it real this time?
    Fuck yeah [​IMG]
    Lol still probably going to be another year or so. But still cool.
    I have a fascination with abandoned things, so Fallout is a wonderful game to me! I especially loved New Vegas, so many stories to play out.
  12. Lmfaoooooo thats hilarious guys we should put a shit ton of hilarious fallout 3 memes !!!

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