Went to Cheeseburger Bobbys

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by A AnoesisOrange, May 31, 2015.

  1. and the church crowd started showing up as I was eating. You fucking basic neanderthals. You are a plague on this planet, I hope you all burn in hell. I tried going to church for a little while and I stopped going because of the people and this was a stark reminder of that.

  2. Could they really have been worse than you?

    At least they dont want you to burn in hell.
  3. Everyone has to eat. even church folks.
  4. I go to church and I blaze and I hope you don't burn in hell.
  5. You will burn in hell for smoking the devil's lettuce
  6. Lol I'm really gonna fry for how high I am right now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. The burn in hell part seems like it was a bit facetious and ironic. The post was more purging of an emotion than an opinion. That just happened to be the words that came out.
    I did stop going for a reason, though. The people made it feel greasy and I didn't like it. I'll probably try again in a few years...
  8. Gross I hate Cheeseburger Bobby's only went once when I started school, never again...

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