Old people from rural areas all around Romania

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by bufu1O1, May 31, 2015.

  1. Before 2001, in Romania, all the people who lived in rural areas were growing hemp. Even the law that passed allowed people to grow if the thc was lower than 0,02% present in the hemp, they put people to cut their plants down without testing them. They lied to them, that young people or their children use them in clubs, so that they are making them into drugs. In Romania, any people you meet, they have relatives who have spent their years in rural landscape or are still there and all have grow hemp. On a personal note, my grandpa smoked flowers with his pipe. Any earth worker from Romania knows that after 5 years of growing hemp, the land will not need any herbicide anymore. Their clothes, their ropes and bags where made with hemp. We eat "turte", a mini bread made with hemp seeds, hemp oil, various medicine techniques. In the present, some old people are growing it in the corn fields, i personally seen last year. In a county here in Romania, placed north-east there is an old guy who grows tons of it legally now, selling seeds exporting to some Europe countries, having 2 very old types of hemp: Dacia and Zenit. People are starting to grow it back even the state has this copy cat laws from France, which is the worst country regarding hemp point of view. I'll post some videos in a few days. We have grown more hemp than potatoes. So, yeah, as all the people on this planet, we got banned from this wonder from nature pretty recently and we have a bigger momentum to push back, being backed up by all the old age people in this country! We need more help! Please invest your hemp revolution by starting from Romania!
  2. Lol, i knew there were some people growing hemp in romania but had no idea it was so advanced.

    Ce demersuri legale tre sa faci ca sa primesti autorizatie sa cresti?
  3. #3 Mr. Mojorising, Aug 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2015
    Old peeps do not grow or blow tane.
  4. Here looking for some advices to grown!

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