Crown Royal hermaphrodite

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by humboldt420, May 29, 2015.

  1. So, I'm pretty bummed to find balls on my clones, and after closer inspection found some on my mother as well. What do you guys think? The mother is about five weeks into flower the clones are about three. Should I just give up on them, or let them go and pick balls as I see them? Anyone else have issues with crop king seeds?? This is a couple picks of the momma.

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  2. you can pick balls like many do here, thats all you are doing picking balls,
    the issue here is the mother,
    ain't your fault, trash and start again, is me 
  3. Right on, that's what I've been doing. No sign of seeds in the mom, and she is almost finished now. Could theses pollen sacks be sterile??
  4. Keep picking sacks and just flower out any of them you have and move on to new genetics

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