Best way to get high

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by 420_robertoo, May 27, 2015.

  1. I actually do this all the time

    You need a good shape pipe to pull it off well tho.

  2. Take a nice big bud and stuff it deep in your ass then get ready because nothing happens
    1st step) clear your fucking mind. get all that negativity out, out out OUT. NOTHING BUT POSITIVE VIBES BEFORE YOU EVEN GRIND THE BUD
    2nd step) upon opening bud storage containiner and removing said bud, place some nice mellow tunes on or whatever your MOOD feels at the time
    3rd step) take long deep breaths as your grind the bud and have as much light on as possible (windows open or outside with sun out is even better)
    4) look at the bowl as your ignite it, think of everything and nothing as you inhale, then close your eyes as you exhale ; that first hit should send you fucking off. if not, repeat! honestly making sure your happy, in a nice comfy room, and with entertainment around you, that way you don't continue smoking what little you have, and usually, after the 1st hit you get so high you forget you had more bud!
    thats my technique called Super Kamehameha Meditation Technique. *TM
  4. invest in a vaporizer
  5. Vape it, then use the brown leftovers for eatables. It's a 2 fer 1 deal you can't beat.

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