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Can I get a Med Card? Help I might have cachexia?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by CasperTheTokerGhost, May 27, 2015.

  1. So I use marijuana right now recreationally, as not just to get high but also I first got into using marijuana because of all the benefits it gives you. I do love being high as well tho but what got me started was because of how much a positive influence i saw it as. Im pretty underweight for my age, late teens. (18 1/2) i have no desire to eat as well, i can go a day without eating but in my life i havent ever been able to gain weight either. I eat and lose weight other than gain weight. Same with my mom, my grandpa, my great grandpa so its kind of gene related. When Im high i eat a lot more (obviously). When i smoked strickly for a month i ate a lot and felt so much better but recently i havent been able to get any more weed and now i barely eat again. I live in Michigan and one of the ways i can get a med card is due to cachexia/wasting sydrome but i read that mostly people get it due to cancer. I also read due to horomal deficientcy ( I havent grown to my fullest height either) and i have short tempers, depression, anxiety. I kind of sense my hormones arent to its fullest ability. I want a med card because it was a positive influence in my life, i ate a lot more, i felt more happier as well with less anxiety and less depression, and even calmed me down from so much stress i have in my life. This isn't so much as getting super baked "legally" but its also a good medicine for me and i'm considering buying some CDB oil as well as THC.
    Any questions just ask and ill most likely respond quick. Thanks!

  2. First step in getting your rec is to see a regular doctor and get a diagnosis!
    After you get the official diagnosis, it will be MUCH easier to get your rec!
  3. the thing is for me the doctors i get are like no your crazy heres pills, and no rec for med card. idk im just nervous about it lol i over think too much
  4. #4 midnittoke, Jun 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2015
    The likeliness of you actually having cachexia is slim to none.. Cachexia is rapid loss of mass. I was diagnosed with HIV and lost ~20lbs and still wasn't considered as wasting syndrome You're doctor will presume you found something online to justify cannabis use. If you did have cachexia it usually interrupts daily activities and causes extreme fatigue
  5. sorry bro but all the good stuff (health) you found in cannabis is the same stuff the doctors are charging out the ass to offer as synthetic they get rich from meds. they will not be to happy and it is not in their best interest to recommend away their profits to cannabis plants. that recommendation they write could be the last time they see you and it is like giving away patients($profits$) to the free world. I know men in their 70's who are worried about piss tests from their docs and cannot use cannabis for fear of losing their addicting drugs from their bleached out doctor so really your age has nothing to do with it as it is effecting everyone at all levels of age. it is kinda funny and completely shameful (for freedom sake)  to hear the 70 year old talk like a little kid afraid of the parental figure to put them on suspension for doing bad while the parent holds out the piss cup for your liquid deposit into their future

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