Hermie?swolen calyx or seeds?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bovjer, May 24, 2015.

  1. I discovered this some days ago. Pics http://imgur.com/a/VuorO Is that seed pods, swollen calyx? or hermie balls on my plants? I'm two weeks left from harvest, got some pretty big size buds.
    Any info would help.

  2. #2 AnonymousMarkus, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    Those look like seed pods to me, but it might be a hermie. Let's see what everyone else thinks though.
  3. Agreed those are seeds
  4. Seeds, be on the lookout for a hermie though if you didn't have a male in the room.
  5. Dab Maul got the right idea, closely monitor if no males were in the room. If there was one congrats you just knocked that bitch up ;) 
    You know you're high when another blade's post makes you, regrettably, think of 3 Seth Rogen movies at the same time:
  7. yes definitely they are seed pods if you had no males in your grow room one of your (females) plants has turned hermie and pollinated that plant if i was you i would check the whole imediate area for signs of other seeded buds. sorry hope you dont lose to much, i have had the same problem in the past, its time to get new stock. dont risk it happening again by using clones of this crop
  8. I found one hermie two weeks ago.
    Threw it out.
    I have 9 plant in total now. Found these seedpods on about 3 of them.
  9. Wow that's crazy as hell. Good looked bud tho.

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