clay pelts growing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by abige69, May 24, 2015.

  1.  ive got a mother plant thats in soil wiv LOTs of those clay pebble/pellets things, im taking a few cutting & experimenting on different ways, soil/rockwool cubes/jiffy, hormone powder, plain or willow water, cuttings just left in water- you get the idea, ive been thinking about cutting a bottle in half, then turning the top bit upside down, placing into the lower half,then fill the inverted top bit with those clay pebbles, have a wick running thru the cap opening into the bottom bit, which will be the water res. shall i mix in some perlite/vermiculite in with clay pebble to help with water retension? & should i start off with a new cutting or one thats got some roots on it?
    so wotcha think ppl?
    happy toking


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