life on earth, not from earth

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by BigBadDawg, May 23, 2015.

  1. I was just thinking to my self and wonder if that's a possiblity.
    what if the first species("bacteria")that led to homosepians was brought by an extraterrestrial ("alien"),
    (they their planned it or by some sort of accident)
    1.Would such a thing be possible?
    2. If it is possible, would we look alike, not as a humanoid but (just for example) a caucasian male.
    They would need oxygen so they would need trees, so they would do alot of climbing for food in their pre-age's which will lead to a humanoid form, something that would be a look of another superior race.(by superior race i mean homosepians)

  2. A single cell.. even if "they" programmed it, would basically be a like a blank slate in terms of the multicellular life it evolves into. So it wouldn't be very likely that we looked like them at all.. those cells would evolve to fit the conditions of this planet.
    Once you learn more and more details of evolution, that sort of stuff doesn't seem much like a possibility.. more like entertainment. Alien life seeding our planet that is.
    What is possible is that a planet with life on it could of been damaged or destroyed and microbes that can survive space and reentry got ejected out and landed on our planet.. it's called panspermia. The idea that simple but tough life can hitch a ride on comets and asteroids and fractured planets and land on other planets.. entirely possible. Even then, don't let yourself get hung up on it too much.. cause in the end, life somewhere had to first appear spontaneously.
  3. transpermia and panspermia both offer explanations on just that sort of thing. i certainly see it as plausible. maybe not something alive exactly but certainly building blocks that mixed with the foundation that we had on the planet back then. [​IMG]
  4. I saw a British documentary on TV where they conducted an experiment where they mixed 3-4 types of gases and created single cellular life.

    They then manipulated these cells so tht they literally started producing diesel fuel.

    So it's as simple as tht - a mixture of gases tht occur naturally on earth can spawn life.

    Sent from my mahogany fly hands lunch box
  5. It is a real possibility that life on earth came from outer space.
    There are bacteria here on Earth that are able to survive in the vacuum of space. It is even possible that bacteria could hitch a ride on a human space ship and begin multiplying at whichever location the astronauts land. There has been research done on this topic -
    The water bear comes to mind. These little things can tolerate just about anything. They can even survive without food or water for years.
  6. #6 Moverandgroover, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    I see it like this.
    As above so below as they say. The same 'methods' used by plants on earth could be used by more 'higher' 'intelligent' species. The little bits of the dandelion in this picture are effectively little space ships with information, seeds of instructions, why is it not possible that the same can be true of the origins of life on earth, the dandelion here is just a much smaller example of the same process.
    Yes, a real possibility that Panspermia is how life come about on this earth, it certainly makes sense from a Darwinian point of view, as well as a creationist view. I believe these two concepts to be true.
    But then who created the creator?
    But just to allow our brains to rest, let's just leave it on your question.
  7. Anything is possible when the universe is infinite.

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