As Above - So Below.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Moverandgroover, May 23, 2015.

  1. I am going to try and make this seemingly complex theory simple by typing no more than so many words.
    My idea is very simple.
    The same we look down on small microscopic bacteria and single cell organisms, we study their behaviour, breeding etc, is it possible that someone or something is looking down on us and examing our very own moves, the way we live, how we breed, what we eat etc.
    We know the laws that govern the planets and solar systems are in total contradiction to the laws that govern particles and matter, and we know that our very own life and behaviour is very different to that of our atomic sized friends, so could it also be that somewhere so unimaginably distant that they are also very very different from our atomic friends and ourselves, still none the less observing us somehow (not with microscopes but in some other crazy sci-fi way).
    It's unimaginable so best not to try think what they could be like.
    But the way I see it, if we can look down on small atomic sized bodies then why would be the last in the chain? Just because we can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. They are called Paradigm Shifts were scientists tuen the tables and think a completely different way, like the flat earth debaye and the helicentric earth debate.
    We could be subjects watched right now, put into little petri dishes for examination. But maybe they could be really good souls, beings, energy.
    A lot of us feel this connection to something bigger, and connection is the key word here, a connection to mother nature etc.
    I hope I have made it clear. And please don't doubt me, because really, what else have you got to go on? Scientifuc information of the day that is the be all end all of facts? Anythign is possible, it's about having an open mind to connect then dots and think creatively.
    Love to hear your thoughts.

  2. Have you read Flatland by Edwin A. Abbot?
  3. #4 Moverandgroover, May 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2015
    I bet he had fun writing that! Very creative for the time hey? I have heard of it but only just read about it now really. Amazing, would hurt my head I think.
    Also love this idea, and to be honest, it makes perfect sense hey? Like it said, it does not explain the originds of life just the methid used to 'impregnate' the universe.
    ''Panspermia is a hypothesis proposing that microscopic life forms that can survive the effects of space, such as extremophiles, become trapped in debris that is ejected into space after collisions between planets and small Solar System bodies that harbor life. Some organisms may travel dormant for an extended amount of time before colliding randomly with other planets or intermingling with protoplanetary disks. If met with ideal conditions on a new planet's surfaces, the organisms become active and the process of evolution begins. Panspermia is not meant to address how life began, just the method that may cause its distribution in the Universe.<sup>[7]</sup><sup>[8]</sup><sup>[9]'' </sup>
    <sup>Surly that makes sense, if bacteria have been found that can survive enclosed in meteoroids etc then surly that has to be how we come about on this earth!?</sup>
    Just been reading on Panspermia and Fred Hoyle had this to say, which is very interesting:
    "In 1974 they proposed the hypothesis that some dust in interstellar space was largely organic (containing carbon), which Wickramasinghe later proved to be correct.<sup>[23]</sup><sup>[24]</sup><sup>[25]</sup> Hoyle and Wickramasinghe further contended that life forms continue to enter the Earth's atmosphere, and may be responsible for epidemic outbreaks, new diseases, and the genetic novelty necessary for macroevolution"
    Still leaves us with more questions than answers but that is a good thing!
    Oh this world fucks with my head [​IMG]
  4. I don't believe in this hypothesis.

    But I supose its possible that the universe results in some.giant life form

  5. Hermeticism.
  6. im still trying to digest panspermia

    Sent from my mahogany fly hands lunch box
    To me it does seem perfectly logical. Yes life (earliest signs of single cell organism) possibly began on this earth 4.5 to 3 billion years ago (so we are led to believe) but how did life get here, how did the basic 'building blocks' of life (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids) get there in the first place.
    They didn't just appear from thin air (even though there is no air in space). These chemicals, these instructions did not just appear from anywhere.
    I think the idea of Panspermia is easily a possibility. Just like pollination, were bees transfer pollen to different plants, the same can be said for the ingredients to harbour life.
  8. I think we should contemplate the form of these organisms as they existed in that vacuum! And under those circumstances.
    Please explain, this sounds really interesting.
    Youn mean when these 'seeds' were laid dormant for billions of years?  (maybe trillions who knows)
  10. panspermia is that hard

    Its just the idea that life maybe started on Mars or maybe the first amino acids forms I'm a super Nova.

    Whatever the case its possible earth was sseeded with life or building blocks for life, which would explain why we have trouble using earth like artificial environments to artificially create life

    Even if life on Earth came from another planet like pollen, that life had to have started somewhere.. it would of had to spontaneously appear like how theorized on Earth. We already know that at least a couple building blocks of life couldn't have formed on Earth and had to have been brought in by comets and such.. but the building blocks to life isn't life itself. It is more likely that the building blocks of life formed both on Earth and in deep space and came together to spontaneously and naturally form life on Earth. Even if some extremophiles landed on Earth and seeded life here.. the extremophiles would of came from a line of life that originally appeared through abiogenesis.
    That was a pun [​IMG]
    I didn't get it myself.. but now I see what you did. You wouldn't need to digest it if you didn't swallow..
  14. I feel like that shoulda been.obvious to me LOL

    My bad

  15. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, Considering we still know nothing about the universe or how big it is and all life in general.
  16. Earth could be a black hole that we perceive to be blue. We ARE the toilet bowl.... flush and flail no magic carpet rides outta this planet. 😅😅😅
  17. #19 Oni~, May 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2015
    Lest ye be jestin'

    Nothing about Earth behaves like a black hole behaves.   Its gravity for one is nothing compared to a black hole, neither is its shape.   We also do fly and send stuff off of the planet.    
  18. I've often thought(felt) this myself.   It seems to only make sense.   

    I see reality as a scale that seems to keep going up further and further up and lower and lower down the more we discover.

    At one point we only saw solid objects,  then we saw atoms, then we saw subatomic particles etc.   No reason not to think it continues to go further "down" . 

    Same with "above".   First we only saw our sky and thought the sun is driven across it via chariot.  Then we realized we are just one planet, then just one solar system, then just one galaxy etc.   No reason not to think it continues to further "up"  and as it goes, there might be life observing everything our  little  "universe"  is,  as nothing but a subatomic particle on their scale.   

    Men in Black had a good outro scene where they show such a zoomout.   

    This is where that saying "Space is not the final frontier,  the mind is."   rings so true.

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