ebb and flow. air stone

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by stewy91, May 20, 2015.

  1. hey guys im looking at building a ebb and flow system, will be in 5 gallon buckets i was thinking of placing some stainless mesh in the bottom and allowing a air stone to below the stainless to have water splashing onto the roots. 
    Any input welcome as its just a thought

  2. #2 CrackLemonade, May 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2015
    It will not hurt anything, it might even supply your roots with fresh 02, which is something they need but it must be dissolved in water.  When I used an ebb and flow system, the system flooded every 90 min or so, and the roots never had a chance to dry out, I was using expanded clay pellets. There was also about an inch and a half of water that would remain in the buckets after the buckets drained.  Having an air stone in that inch and half of water might give some advantage in that the water would be more oxygenated, therefore more useful for the plant.
    Is it safe to say you can never have too many air stones?  Comments wanted.
  3. That's what I was thinking just having little water droplets landing on the roots, would also be a good back up system if you the water pump ever failed. But was really just wondering if there was actully any gains to it I know the more air the better aswell so would also help when flooded
  4. Install the air stone on half the pots, and compare the results.  Id like to know, if there is an advantage because I commonly use ebb and flow systems.
  5. I only grow two at a time limted space and personal only and have yet to use ebb and flow currently doing dwc but to many issues. I will add it to one just for the sake off it, cant hurt anything. if i remember to post results ill let you know since it wont be for a few months
  6. I did almost the same things to mines. My ebb and flow bucket would leave about 1 inch of water left in the bucket after it drains out so I added a 1200ghp pump to all my bucket now it's like a dwc and flow lol. But at least I know forsure my plants will be alright. Also it seems to root faster with the air pump js.
  7. i could make it so its drained completely but the way i was looking at it, is its kinda of the same as dwc but the water wont heat up as much since it will be getting changed a few times a day
  8. it is just that I won't have to change every bucket of water since I'm doing 60 plants, I can just change the resovior.

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