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Best way to use 7.2g of ABV? Lightweight

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by s3bzz, May 19, 2015.

  1. Already Been Vaped herb

  2. Already Been Vaped.  Or Alcohol By Volume, depending on the circumstance. [​IMG]
  3. And what would be the point of smoking vaped herb? Does it get you high?
  4. It's good for edibles since the vaporization decarboxylated it so it's at least partially orally active.  To make it fully orally active, you completely decarboxylate it with heat/oil/butter....which was discussed in the above posts.
    You can smoke/combust it, but it would be a weaker high due to less THC from the initial vape.  More of a bedtime couchlock stone.
  5. Would adding a bit of kief to the jar do anything? I have some in my kief catcher
  6. It's not necessarily better, just easier because you can skip the whole cooking process
  7. It will increase potency.  Kief decarboxylates too.
  8. It's cooking now, 17 hours left on the timer. Should I take the mason jar out and release the pressure or should I let it sit through the whole time? 
  9. No need to release pressure.  Make sure it cools off when it's done before you open it or we'll be visiting you in the burn unit. [​IMG]
  10. Lol yeah of course [​IMG]
  11. Made them, just ate half of one and wooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  12. ABV is already decarbed. Put it into capsules. I've done side by side tests on ABV capsules vs. ABV cannabutter, and while I don't have the technology to measure potency, it seems EXACTLY the same. 
    I forgot to tell you to start with 1/8 of a brownie!  You'll come down bu Thursday.  [​IMG]
  14. I've had edibles in the past, i'm already normal haha
  15. eat it
  16. When you say you put it in capsules do you put in just ABV or mixed with coconut oil or something? I've done the ABV and coconut oil and it's pretty messy so just putting in the plain ABV powder would be a heck of a lot easier.
  17. #38 hitops, Jun 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2015
    The most efficient way to use ABV in fact would be to make in into a suppository. Other than that the way you are using it works. I also do not reheat or cook the dish I add ABV to. It's like decarbing it twice. Try it in a milkshake just about anything with a high saturated fat content will work. The whole heating cooking after adding ABV to a dish thing come from people wanting to extract into a oil let's say olive oil or liquid butter to make cannabutter. Then strain out the plant material. It requires very precise temperatures & a candy thermometer to get it to bind extract correctly. If I was going to cook lets say brownies I would. Decarb fresh marijuana on a baking pan with foil over it to hold vapor in in the oven. I would only partially decarb it however. I would then mix up brownies mix add the partial decarbed marijuana cook at a lower temp then you do normal brownies & for a longer cook time. This would finish decarbing the marijuana in the mix & cook the brownies. If using ABV I would do the same but only use very lightly vaporized marijuana mostly still all green.
    The reason ABV works is due to what the body does with saturated fat ABV will bind to it to a degree & depending on what it's mixed with digestion will be slow leaves more time for uptake. Aka peanut butter moves very slow in the GI other things will also just google a bit.
  18. #39 VaWaveRider, Jun 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2015
    Just plain ABV. No oil.  Nice and simple and it doesn't taste bad. 
  19. How much should one eat (in grams) to feel anything? .I'm a medical user so my tolerance is medium high.

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