replacement atomizer for the O2Pur vape pen

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by rancur3p1c, May 17, 2015.

  1. #1 rancur3p1c, May 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2015
    I am only barely able to make myself care about vaping so I'd rather not fool with repair at this point-- I'd rather just buy another one. The pen appears to be a generic-- I'm pretty sure I found one just like it on Amazon. That said, I can't seem to locate an atomizer for it.
    if anyone knows off the top of their head one that will work and wouldn't mind sharing, I would appreciate it. kindof. if I don't get any replies I'll probably just throw it away and move on with life.
    you decide my fate.
    actaully, it look exactly like this tank, but the internals are different
    oh and random rant: the only blue e-cig that's worth a damn is the disposable one, go figure. I got the original starter, complete joke. one of the batteries only charged once and I can smoke faster than it can recharge. I've never smoked before and the cartomizers only barely hit BARELY if I hold my breath after a full take (until 15 flashes) and do nothing but breath through the e-cig. which is quite difficult. I'm not sure if there's actually any nicotine (have the 'H' labelled ones which are supposedly the highest concentration-- ok sure)
    the X-Press Blu kit doesn't last nearly as long (both battery and cartomizer) as the disposables.
    Both it and the Vuse (didn't mean to support them sorry) hit me up top and make me dizzy. Both, if you pull too long, give a hard, unpleasant, hot vapor (not vapor, rather like 'humidity' as in the droplets have evaporated into the air) hit.
    the Blu disposable is reliable, lasts for a reasonable charge, and doesn't do the dry-hit on a hard pull. The buzz comes smoothly and supports from below rather than dizzies from the top.
    ok I guess I'm a little passionate. Just takes me a bit to get going. I just want an e-cig that looks exactly like the Blu disposable or Xpress size wize, doesn't having goofy gaudy blinky lights (a pulse-width-modulated smooth heartbeat would be acceptable), and can provide solid nicotine without making me dizzy.
    and by the way. The designers on blu are idiots. Determining if the e-cig flashed 15x or 30x is really hard. It should be fast blinks or slow blinks-- that would be very easy to distinguish. counting to 15 is really challenging and distracting.
    fitting that the best designed one would be the disposable that gets you to keep buying
    the relaxing nature of the nicotine really helps me let go before going to sleep and sleep well. if I can get something that'll work this could be a life changer


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