League of Legends

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by 47KushStrains, May 16, 2015.

  1. Sup blades! i couldnt find any LOL topics so i made this one.

    What position do you usually play?
    Whos yours favorite champ?

    make sure to add me - "cash the bowl" :)
  2. Ive never played it but is the community as shitty as various forums make it out to be?
  3. Sadly it is, I never realized it until I started playing more counter strike but damn. You can all be fine and dandy in the champ select screen joking around and stuff, when one person gives 2 or 3 kills away... I've never seen people turn on each other so fast before.

    Other than that it's a great game, really fun and all and thankfully there's a mute button and yesterday they started doing something where if someone is as they say toxic and get reported, within 15 minutes of the end of the game they can be banned.
  4. People take their MOBAs seriously lol.

    It's one of the genres I've been wanting to get into.
  5. I love to play top or mid, but who doesn't! my favourite character has to be Nidalee :) sadly I've stopped playing because of the negative community.
  6. I love mid . and Ahri is the one I love to play most.
  8. Also with my position and champ is definitely top, love tanks and the 1v1 atmosphere with little help from junglers. And this season I'm maining renekton
  9. Ekko jungle is soo broken right now i love it.
  10. Renek falls off hard late game imo
  11. #12 lilro, Jun 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2015
    I've been doing all kinds of experiments with Ekko lately. I couldn't get a good jungle build, but I have found success with AD/AP/AtkSpd builds. TriForce/BOTRK/Rageblade/Zephyr/Youmuus/'serker Greaves just tears through people. Especially at top lane.
  12. i play mainly mid, add me guys. IGN - cash the bowl
  13. You want something broken go ap kog mid. Haven't found one champ that beats it in lane, although haven't played against a Kat...

    I'm scared for that day...
  14. #15 Brother Urb, Jun 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2015
    I shamefully admit I play. I try to get 1 match per day but not always. Going to take a break, schools out I think.

    Yes the community is trash, as is the case with every single online game nowadays. [​IMG]


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