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Weed experience - Unpleasantly intense

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by dropdeadrui, May 14, 2015.

  1. Hey!
    So i'm not a huge user of weed to start off with. Recently i've been enjoying a joint every week as self medication for Chronic Migraine.
    As much as i love weed i hate it at the same time. For me personally when first smoke i feel nothing for around 10 minutes then it hits me like a ton of bricks. I end up feeling nauseous, dizzy, i some times pass out, my chest hurts, and my heart beat sounds intense as hell. This goes on for around about the first hour and it is one of the most unpleasant feelings i've ever had but after that going on for around an hour and a half at which point i usually sleep, it then mellows out in to great pain relief and a relaxed feeling.
    Is this normal, could it be a result of me having a terrible tolerances. 
    I usually only put half a gram in my joints and i don't really even know if that's a lot for a beginner.
    I'm also taking other medications (nortriptyline, and naproxen) which could cause bad reactions? I'm not sure.
    I just wanna enjoy my experience from start to finish! Any advice would be appreciated c:


  2. Yes that is a lot for a beginner. You should be consuming .1-.2 in one sitting at this point.
    If possible use indica dominant instead of sativa/hybrid.
  3. Like Tadealis said, yes, that's a huge amount and probably the main reason you are getting so wrecked in different ways.
    If you're 'medicating'- just get a bong. Its cleaner, more cost effective and you can start off with a small amount first time round and then wait ten minutes and see how that amount feels to you.
    After a while you can increase or even decrease the amount of herb you put in the bong bowl and you will know what your limit is in no time.
    Thank you both!
  5. Yup, that sounds exactly like a serious medical condition called "getting too fucked up".
    Nah, but seriously, smoke less. If you're getting medical grade, then a joint to the face is usually far too much for a beginner. If you prefer joints, take a few hits and then cache it and save for later. Not the best for the joint, but just be careful not to rip it! Your better off getting a bowl or bong so you can measure your doses better :)
  6. Control your dosage better. Use a pipe and take small hits until you get to a level you are comfortable with.
  7. the nortriptyline probably makes weed a lil "stonger"
    most antidepressants do....i wouldnt worry much like suggested try less
  8. ur smoking too much 4 beginner. take one hit from a bowl and just stop and you will love it!

    Sent from my intergalactic spaceship hotbox
  9. If you only smoke once a week you probably don't need to smoke a whole joint by yourself op. You only need a couple hits.

    Check out Logarhythm on Soundcloud!
  10. Pipe would be a lot safer than a bong. You get a lot higher quicker when using a bong, compared to a pipe.
  11. Get a little pipe or one hitter.
  12. #12 MoonlightSky, May 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2015
    I've had this happen to me sooo many times, but it's nothin bad, it's all in your head. this happend to me 2 times recently. I cleared my mind and focused on just one thing or nothing at all and felt soo relaxed and floating instantly. Also another time I listened a feel-good song when feelin like that, and instantly didn't just feel better, but awesome and stoned. it only happens because you may not have been ready for the high, like you said cause your tolerance is low, and you thought of it as "oh shit it's coming". but if you focus your mind on something else, or layed down and stopped thinking about how you feel and stop thinking that you're too high and just sit there and do something and focus on just that, you'll instantly have a change experience.
    That's why all the high experience level tokers are used to having lots at one time and are used to the high and know how to settle there thoughts and make the high what they choose.
    it's like when you're really high, whatever is on your mind is enhanced a lot, so if you think you feel bad, and keep thinking about how intense the high is, you will feel bad. but if you're watching something funny or doin something like playing a video game, and are completely LOST in it, not letting random thoughts run through and make you think too much, you will have enhanced fun or laughter of what you were already doing.
    the best thing to do when high is completely zone out in what you are doing at the moment. Like no thoughts about anyone or anything else, not thinking about tomorrow, just thoughts in what you are doing and have thoughts that are pleasent and about what you are doing and seeing, or anything that you feel comfortable thinking about.
  13. A bong will destroy you. You need a small pipe/one hitter like someone said above. Take it hit by hit, wait a few minutes in between to see how you feel.

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