Homemade sugar additives

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by northerngrower87, May 13, 2015.

  1. Anyone got any tips on some homemade sugar solutions for bulking and resin production?
    Are you saying that "sugar solutions" add bulk and, er, resin production?
  3. I have no idea that's what the local hydro shops try telling me but I kinda figured it was more of a sales pitch coming from them so I wanted to see if there was a homemade solution I can try to see what it does without investing a bunch of money on name brand additives.
  4. Are you growing hydroponically? Soil? Organic? Bottled nutrients?

    Invest in a sack of kelp meal. Mix some into your soil, even the top several inches. Soak a fistful into your watering pail. This will give you real results, not hogwash that some pimply faced kid from the hydro store tried telling you. You'd be much better off listening to some of the experienced gardeners here over Da Dude at the Hydro Store.


    Simply growing healthy plants will get you where you want to be. Avoid the gimmickry.

    Sent from my iPhone using this frustrating Grasscity Forum App because I can't login via regular internet like I have been for years.
  5. Sugar water I foilar spray late veg even mid to late bud for that extra perk, saves the plant s having to turn all that nute to sugar ....if you just feed it to them ...add teaspoon of sugar to your pint hand sprayer add warm water shake and spray, but not so close to harvest you don't wanna caramelize your lungs ....dig!
    ps there was a big research paper out from an Auzzie university just last year on this
  6. Sounds good I'll give that a try
  7. #7 beerbrewer, May 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2015
    You don't want to spray sugar on your plants lol. Sugars are used in the soil to help microbial life grow and multiply
    I honestly don't dig... because it just doesn't work that way. 
  9. [​IMG] Professor Christine Beveridge
    Oh you terrible Mis- believers you ....please study this ....and you will report back?:
    Apical dominance maintained by sugar limitation
    Vigorously growing shoot tips can maintain dominance over the growth of axillary buds in a process termed apical dominance. In this seminar we show that the shoot tip, which is a hungry consumer of mobile sugars, acts to prevent the growth of axillary buds by affecting the levels of sugars left over for the buds. Mobile photoassimilates/sugars move rapidly; 150 cm per hour in tall garden pea plants. After decapitation, the enhancement in photoassimilate supply occurs at a rate of about 0.5 cm per minute and correlates with the timing of bud outgrowth. Exogenous sucrose can induce bud release in intact plants in a dynamic response similar to decapitated plants. Sucrose induces the same transcription factor in buds previously reported to be regulated by plant hormones to control bud outgrowth
  10. I still dont believe that spraying dissolved white sugar on your plants will do anything but make a sticky mess - whatever a doctor from the University of Tasmania says.
    no offense Vostok. To each their own.
  11. #11 playerwild0, Jun 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2015
    when regularly watering the plants put 3 teaspoons of unsweetend pinapple juice. But make sure you do it during flowering. Not only should it taste sweeter when you smoke it but it can increase yield if your giving the plants co2.
    "make sure you do it during flowering. Not only should it taste sweeter when you smoke it"
    Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that.
    Stoner science at its finest...
  13. #13 playerwild0, Jun 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2015
    I wasent asking for your stupid ass opinion, secondly all that hydroponic talk you told is all complied of bullshit.

    before you come and attack me with your stupid ass comments you should check yo self before you wreck yourself.

    you don't know how shit works fucken seventh grader.
  14. The pineapple juice is slightly less far fetched, but plants can't just intake refined sugars and fructose like that. If you want sweeter plants add molasses and sulfur, if you want high resin production get good genetics and grow it under good conditions.
    And which "hydroponic talk" would that be?
    And which stupid ass comments? The one where pineapple juice makes your buds sweeter? Lol And I'M the one who "doesn't know how shit works"? Any chance of explaining to us exactly how pineapple juice makes your buds sweeter?
    ahhh - too funny. At least you're keeping things interesting. I'll bet even a seventh grader can spell "compiled", though.
  16. You have made a valid point, some time ago I was a cig smoker(ugh) my wife a local doctor caught me smoking hand rolled tobacco cigarette ...and flipped, the tobacco was 'port royal' a blend of tobacco and rum ..her reason for flipping out, was well founded, as like most doctors she was against cigs anyway, but little did I realize, that smoking a cig, with sugars(rum) infused, was actually
     caramelizing my lungs, like burning  a fry pan with oil and sugar, in fact lining, even sealing up my lungs with burnt sugars
    ...I shit you not..!  for weeks after I was bringing up this black shit from the bottom of my chest ...lesson learn't
    re: above spray the sugars on the fan leaves not the bud ....thanks for the rant!
    Vostok, I've seen you around here for many years and think you're a good dude. I'm not trying to negate what you're saying; I just see way too many gimmicks for this and that on various weed forums and believe that folks get misled too often, and mostly with no basis in real science, botany or simple gardening sense.
    The REAL trick is to simply (anyone) learn to grow healthy, vigorous plants and they will do what they're supposed to do. Trust me - I've probably tried every gimmick and trick out there before I realized I was chasing my own tail.
  18. #19 Vee, Jun 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2015
    I agree, this novel approach to feeding ones plants, with sugar water, I could see a use for plants recovering from nute burn, even molds, with so many issues affecting the plant, during nute burn, this I feel is an acceptable method for use...? like an emergency CPR? ..lol
  19. just use the right nute for bloom. Why go the hassle of adding some sugar water which nobody know if it works or not? I grow in room. No way I am adding sugar water even if it increase yeild. It also increase ants traffic.

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