Gods gender

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by travilanche, May 8, 2015.

  1. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Why do we try to assign a gender to God,coffee there is one? If there is a being so powerful that it can cause big bangs and oversee such complicated things as star nurseries, why do we assign it a gender? Wouldn't such a being transcend gender? Gender is a biological function. Why would a being that transcends all biological functions be assigned a biological gender? It is preposterous to me.
  2. He, she. Societal implications on gender roles tend to dictate males as the ones to yield the power. Now...who's god?
  3. While I don't believe there is such a being,  if there were,  I would absolutely think it transcends gender.   Gender in nature exists first and foremost for procreation.  An ultimate being would not require to reproduce in such a manner.     

    Furthermore, if it did, it would mean there are others like him/her so a pantheon would have to exist.  Monotheism would go out of the window.

    It would mean that the ultimate creator is also subject to nature and has to follow its procedure in order to reproduce.

    A lot, if not all, of gender talk about god is controlled by human ego, like so many other ponderings about him/her/it.   Any human male or female thinking such a being exists but is like him or her is displaying  a colossal misconception of self importance and worth.
  4. Because man created God in his image. A man.
  5. I met god the other day at the pub, downing 4 beers within 20 minutes so it must've been a rough day. Apparently he/she's a tranny so yeah.
  6. Honestly, God is a He/She, He is powerful, She is love. He is Infinitely Wise, She is infinitely intuitive.

    Don't let Marie Madeliene hear you say that...
  7. You are still assigning biological function to a being that transcends biology. It doesn't make any sense.
    What Travilanche said.
    And, rofl, you're assigning genders to God's traits based on which human gender stereotype it falls under.
  9. That's such a crux point of theist/deist belief also.    They fully assign it all the power and wisdom the universe can possibly hold, yet consider it anthropomorphic.  
  10. Non-religious but I've proposed the question to my friend a Jehovah's Witness in the past and got a very good response. God has no gender but is referred to in the Bible as "he" in the same way Captains refer to their ships as "she". The ship is not actually a woman and God is not actually a Man it is just tradition. 
  11. Honestly, if i gave two shits about your guys opinions concerning God, I would be more along the lines of a bible thumper than someone who just adds two cents to a subject...
    And yes, they're not just stereotypes, men and women are proven to be different psychologically, and thus not one is superior than the other.. difference does not imply superiority, what would the ruling class do without the labor class? Vice-versa? It's when one become's more superior than the other it become's imbalanced. Both classes are deserving to see each other as equal, not supreme over the other..
  12. God is force synonymous with Love. It's in everything.
  13. Which god?

    Not Mars.
    Not the one asking someone to sacrifice his children to prove devotion.
    Not the one commiting genocide via flood.
  14. 'They' dont all prescribe anthropomorphism ;)
  15. #15 Oni~, May 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2015
    The vast majority does.   Greeks and Romans did as do Abrahamic religions of today. 

    Theists especially almost all claim to know who the notorious g.o.d. is and what his favorite flavor of ice cream is.   The only reason I say  "almost"  is to simply cover the bases since, after all, there are about 1600 (seriously)  gods being prayed to on Earth right now.
  16. Id agree with you. They cant say 'hmm maybe we are praying to one thing and we all just have a different perspective'

    Instead 'its my god or its not god'
  17. God or Satan, greek gods are said to be instances of luciferianism, same with the mayan gods. As for other religions, idk, but i believe in the Buddha as much as I believe in YHVH, that much is for certain..
  18. But Siddhartha Guatama dosent claim to be the all powerful creator god of the universe. Just an enlightened philosopher.

    In other words "the Buddha" is not a god.
  19. This is true, doesn't mean I can't respect both Buddha and YHVH at the same time though...
  20. I have no respect for yahweh, he is the Hitler of gods.

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