Tyranny Naturally Arises Out Of Democracy.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DivineVictoryX, May 8, 2015.

  1. #1 DivineVictoryX, May 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015

    The U.S was suppose to be a republic as our Founding Fathers intended...

    All Geniuses
  2. Tyranny naturally rises out of humanity.

    Democracy is irrelevent.

    Its the cycle of "government" itself.

    The idea is that government should protect the people.

    The catch is that there is always something you need protection from.

    Eventually government becomes a.crutch.

    Once people completely rely on it, tyranny is just a stones throw away

  3. The U.S. was a place unhappy Europeans ran to to form their own tyranny. It was never meant to be a democracy. We can't even fucking directly vote for our own president.
  4. I'll believe it when I see the youtube video
  5. #5 JohnnyWeedSeed, May 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
    I think that the reason the first Europeans came to America and started colonies was based on a hope for freedom from tyranny and one small group of psychopaths that wanted to steal what they earned under their own hard labor, justified by some weak lie (read law) that says this group of psychopaths is entitled to a portion of the profit of the profit of a persons labor.

    This group of psychopaths then makes a huge deal of money, spending an absurd amount of stolen money, to not only line their fat wallets but to also pay to have this lie spread all over so the general public just accepts it as the undisputed truth because some waste of oxygen, who is paid to lie, said so.

    NEVER TRUST GOVERNMENT! History has proven this over and over and over and over and over for all of recorded history.

    Why, in this age of "enlightened thinking", are we still repeating the same shit over and over again? We already know there is no single person,or group of people, that can be trusted with power so why do we keep trying?

    You know you can't break a brick wall with your head. This has been proven many times. Why is it so hard to realize that government doesn't work either?
  6. I wonder what Ron Paul thinks about this.
  7. he's racist. Who cares?

  8. Lol challenge accepted lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. Wanted less government, ended up with even more government.
  11. A lot of the things the founding fathers wanted to prevent are today's reality.
    I hear ya Johnny, but this what I see when I talk to people:
    A large majority of people I know like government, or at least grudgingly accept it as legitimate. They can't imagine NOT having government. The horrors! It would be like the Old West! Anarchy in the streets! Wait, there wouldn't BE any streets if government didn't build them! (which they don't anyway, they have private contractors do most of it).
    A couple that are fairly good friends of mine (although we don't talk politics much, with good reason) I think are typical: They don't realize that in order for the gov't to give you a dollar they have to take it from someone else first. Most people don't even think about the source of the gov's money. It is just some big thing with tons of money that you can get if you jump through all their hoops.
    They also never ponder the question: Does one citizen have the right to live at the expense of another citizen? -- which logically follows my first point.
    Also, any talk of "tyranny" or even socialism here, and all I hear is "This is 'Murrica! We're free!"
    Liberals and statists are fucking stupid and/or just greedy and uncaring for their fellow man. Fortunately, my closest buddies think like I do. But others, along with more than half of my family, are devout statists of one stripe or another. Cushy fucking gov't jobs, cushy retirements, no worries about anything. They, apparently, do think that they have the right to live at the expense of others.
    I have always taken the "big picture" view, and see western civilization as in its waning days. Nothing is forever, including all of the previous world empires. Our gov't will become more tyrannical, bit by bit, all "for the good of the people." And the people eat it up, cheering the tyrants on.
    Nobody or no thing will stop the progression into totalitarianism and eventual collapse, IMO. But I doubt I'll ever live to see it, thankfully.
    But it's still going to get messy for me. Obamacare (the "Affordable Care Act," lol) has at least doubled my health expenses, depending on what kind of year I'm having. I'm self employed and pay my full premiums. It was bad enough before being "affordable." I had a spinal MRI in January and the hospital sent me a bill for $1900 which my "insurance" didn't cover. I have NEVER paid anything close to that for anything health-related in my long life. Insurance always picked it up. But it's all different now.
    Decades ago nobody talked about healthcare. It was simple, it was affordable out of your pocket; we had "hospitalization" policies -- true insurance -- for the big things. The premiums, paid for by most employers, weren't much different than car insurance. The health system worked, and it wasn't an issue that anybody bothered talking about. Then gov't got involved, gradually, and here we are with socialized "Affordable" medicine.
  13. I'm not sure what the ground floor details on the ACA actually are (I'm Canadian) since half the people I hear from say it's a godsend and it's cut their medical expenses and the other half are like "my healthcare costs are through the roof!".
    Maybe I should actually bother to research it. XD
  14. At least garrisons costs went down and that's all that matters ;)
  15. I'd say capitalism tbh.
    Come at me bro's.
    That's great that his price went down, but the price didn't go down -- it went up.
    Just getting someone else to pay your highly-inflated bills isn't the answer.
  18. Corporatism...
    Captialism involves a free-market..
    There's a difference
    The capitalism that people like Rand and Rothbard "created" 50 or so years ago, "free market" capitalism is just an ahistorical view of capitalism that completely bypasses why people dislike capitalism, i.e., its view on property rights.
  20. Tyranny is the end-game of any government. Some of the American founders knew it.
    “A mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits (of government) is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.”  -– James Madison, Federalist Paper #48, 1788.
    Benjamin Franklin, in a speech at the Constitutional Convention: “This [U.S. Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism . . . when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”

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