worshiping all religions

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by regularowen, May 5, 2015.

  1. Any of you guys in the same bout as me I just think if you don't even know if your god is real than how can you tell other people that there's isn't , but that's just my opinion. What do you guys think
  2. #2 Browne, May 5, 2015
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
    Allow all information in, yes.



    What is a "Religion" when you get right down to it?

    It is a thought process.

    Explore all thought processes as possible, yes.

    Worship all (or any) thought processes?


  3. it would just be easier to call yourself a theist(if you believe there is a God) than to worship every religion.
    there are over 4,200 active religions/denominations/cults
  4. I'd say at that point just invent your own religion...
  5. Many religions contradict each other so it isn't possible to believe in them all because 1 would call for belief in 1 thing and another would call for disbelief of that same thing...

    Example Christians have to worship 1 god, the god of the bible, and that's it, no other "thing" is god...

    So you couldn't be a hindu and a christian because you'd have to worship more than 1 god, of which are outside of the bible that says there is only 1 god...
  6. If you're going to worship a Religion it's probably best to keep it at one.
  7. Unless the illuminati, through relativity, connects the dots of the hindu gods and turns them into symbols concerning YHVH....
    ....scientology... such a shame..
  8. #8 yurigadaisukida, May 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015
    this is the start down the road of atheism.

    Basically you start to study history, and realize all the major religions rooted from the same origional religion.

    Then you wonder why there is religion at all. You just believe in God.

    But then you'll start to wonder. Why?

    Agnostics are just atheists who are afraid of hell, or who want to believe in God despite their better judgement

  9. #9 Darth_Lotus, May 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
    Agnostics are just atheists who are afraid of hell, or who want to believe in God despite their better judgement
    I would argue that this statement is grossly wrong. Your implying you understand how acknowledged agnostics think. I myself am agnostic and believe in god and the infinite soul, with no such thing as hell. I'm still scared of dying probably like you are, but you imply agnostics believe in heaven and hell because there borderline religious, which would be incorrect
    Edit: After I typed this I realized I may not even have a full understanding of agnostic, if your agnostic would you have to admit to believing in heaven or hell somewhat but not being atheist? would I then be considered just theist and not agnostic?

  10. You are agnostic and believe in god? I'm genuinely curious as to how you do that. It seems like an attempt to toe both sides of the line. While admitting you don't have evidence, you still believe in the existence of a god. I'd love some clarification. Once again, I'm not bashing you. I just don't get it I guess. Although I hate the term, I'm what you would call an atheist. I don't believe in the existence of any gods. However, I can't imagine not having evidence for any gods, admitting I don't have evidence, but admitting that I believe. 
    Yeah word dude, you see my edits? I acknowledge that I may not fully understand agnostic. So I don't think im toeing the line as you say, more it depends on the full meaning of word agnostic... I do not believe in Hell, but believe in a God that may not be same as described in religion, or the same...not sure
    I was a Christian for a while, I guess you can say..... now I don't acknowledge any religion, but I believe in some sense of a God that allows for the infinite soul/reincarnation type thing
    Unless your interpretation allows you to recognize both.
  13. [​IMG]
    Each "side" in belief systems or lack of.. can be agnostic. One label deals with knowledge, the other belief.. but things got muddled up by the people who refer to themselves as strictly agnostic. They want to be distanced from atheists cause there is a lot of stigma with using the word atheist.. so they refer to their belief as agnostic. When in reality, most those people are more than likely agnostic atheists.. cause they don't typically hold a belief in God.
  14. When I talk about the full meaning of the word agnostic, I'm talking about the actual definition of the word agnostic. An agnostic is someone who does not believe existence of a god can be known. An agnostic has neither faith nor disbelief by definition. How can you have neither faith nor disbelief, not think there is any evidence, but believe in god?  I think that the whole atheist/agnostic thing has added a false impression of validity to religion. I hate to repeat the same things over and over, but there is no word for people that don't believe in mermaids. Know what I mean?
  15. #15 -13 Amp-, May 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
    You can be an agnostic theist...

    A is a pre fix for without...gnostic is from the latin word for know, it deals with knowledge...

    Agnostic means without knowledge

    Gnostic theists believe in god and claim to know its real...

    Agnostic theist believes in god but doesn't claim to know for sure (that's where faith comes into play, faith means belief without evidence)

    Gnostic atheists don't believe in god and claim to know god isn't real...

    Agnostic atheists don't believe in god and don't claim to know for sure...
  16. I identify as agnostic, but I'm not afraid of hell nor do I want to believe in god.

    Explain, please.
  17. I can't stand these freaking terms. Haha. A Gnostic Theist? That's redundant. You know who else believes in god and claims to know it's real? A theist. I simply don't believe in god just as I don't believe in Bigfoot or The Illuminati. We don't have this many terms for anything else in the world. It's ridiculous. 
  18. #18 Darth_Lotus, May 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
    Ok, yah I honestly don't spend much time thinking about agnosticism, but that does make sense. Then I guess I'm a monotheist.
    I guess my argument above was against the idea that agnostics are scared of hell so they hang on to the idea of religion. It's likely their agnostic already because they doubt religion, so it's not guaranteed they hold on to all concepts of religion and what they believe.
  19. "The body is essentially empty like the stem of a reed,
    And the mind, like pure space, utterly transcends
        the world of thought:
    Relax into your intrinsic nature with neither abandon nor control -
    Mind with no objective is Mahamudra -
    And, with practice perfected, supreme enlightenment is gained.

    The clear light of Mahamudra cannot be revealed
    By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises
    Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka;
    The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals.

    By harbouring rigid precepts the true samaya is impaired,
    But with cessation of mental activity all fixed notions subside;
    When the swell of the ocean is at one with its peaceful depths,
    When mind never strays from indeterminate, non-conceptual truth,
    The unbroken samaya is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness.

    Free of intellectual conceits, disavowing dogmatic principles,
    The truth of every school and scripture is revealed.
    Absorbed in Mahamudra, you are free from the prison of samsara;
    Poised in Mahamudra, guilt and negativity are consumed;
    And as master of Mahamudra you are the light of the Doctrine."
    We label a lot in the world a lot of different ways.. that's just our nature. I like to think of human labels like labels on test tubes.. meant to something inside the tube, not dictate what is in the tube. As you learn more and more about the contents inside the tube, you have to adjust your label to better describe the contents. It's the same with religious labels or even any label humans create.. labels evolve.
    I personally only really say I am an atheist if someone asks.. it's easier, simple and to the point. If they care to follow up.. I'll describe it in better detail. Being that that is what I usually tell people, I know there is a lot of stigma from religious people.. they automatically think that means your belief is that their God isn't real.. when in reality, you give zero fucks one what or the other. So sometimes it is nice to tack on the extra label.. cause it's a constant in human nature, if you don't believe what someone else believes.. the majority of the time they'll assume that you believe what they believe isn't real. You say atheist and the fundamentalists and such will assume that means you believe their God isn't real.. but you don't think that because it's a non-issue really.
    Like this dude.. he bitches out of debates by asking someone if they would condemn something and when they don't, he assumes you support it. You might.. but it's not a given. Many people just don't care anything about it enough to do either..
    Also.. this is a good indication of what would be going on inside your brain if you actually tried to worship all religions. You'd probably have neurons killing each other and marching crusades and suicide bombing.. and end up with brain damage. Don't do it.. just ditch them all.. cause even if they all were true, they'd cancel each other out anyway. No point other than to hopefully cover your ass for when you die.

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