worshiping all religions

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by regularowen, May 5, 2015.

  1. I cherry pick from many religions: a little Christianity here, a little Buddhism there, etc.
    I come up with my own belief system and it can change at any moment.

    I'm not agnostic. I am literally an athiest. I do make the claim that no god/gods exist, because the burden of proof is not on me or science. It's on religion and until any single piece of credible evidence can prove otherwise, no gods exist. It's the default position of every single human being until taught to believe something exists. My 1 1/2 year old son is not agnostic. He doesn't believe in any gods either.
    Now, that is not to say that I would not change my mind should ample evidence be shown to me. It's important to note that I'm not saying it's impossible, just that I don't put any credence in something until proof is provided. Until then, I am a straight up athiest.
  3. #43 Oni~, May 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2015

    This might be one of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language.

    Agreed with everything you wrote.
  4. Nah the most misspelled word is probably restaurant.

    Fuck that word.
  5. lol. I've typed it correctly enough times in my life, I'm allowed to make a few mistakes. Apparently my phone is a theist because it doesn't think it's worth auto correcting me on only that word.
  6. the age old question...
  7. Anyone here Unitarian Universalist here?
  8. I like how in UU you can be agnostic or even atheist or anything. Their 7 principles are 1. Each person is important 2.Be kind in all you do 3. We're free to learn together 4. We search for what is true. 5. All people need a voice. 6. Build a fair and peaceful world. 7. Take care of the earth. They really try to avoid being dogmatic. You can go to a UU church but you're not required too. They promote soul searching and human rights. It's like it's your own responsibility to find what's right for you. I'm just learning about all of this.
  9. "o, point to the shortest distance around the Universe. It doesn't matter which direction you point in, it's the shortest, and you're pointing back at yourself"-RA Heinlein
  10. why?

    At that point you've admitted to yourself that religion is wrong, but instead of the rational atheist path, you choose to create a new delusion?


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