Edible Mushroom Identification

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by NorseMythology, May 3, 2015.

  1. Anyone know what this is or if its edible? I was hunting morels and found some of these.

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  2. Look for the book, "Mushrooms Demystified".
  3. Gyromitra brunnea!

    I shall check out that book i come across many interesting fungi i wish to identify. Thanks
  4. I'd probably look up local mushrooms before taking suggestions from stoners online.

    My mom's property grows a ton of random mushrooms and she looks online to see which ones are edible.

    She's still alive.
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  5. I'm going morel hunting tomorrow after work.
  6. My dad is a living encyclopedia of mushrooms...knows the dos and don'ts, I wish to attain his knowledge one day. He comes home with bushels on the right days

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