Is worth Shadow of Mordor worth buying? (PS4)

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by M32 Blazer, May 2, 2015.

  1. Anyone who owns Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor on PS4 please let me know if you think it's a good, lengthy, in depth and fun game worth buying.. or a game to avoid.
  2. it is now for a current gen game of the year edition[​IMG]
  3. It's a great pure combat game.  The story mode was not bad but nothing special, aside from looking good.   

    The Nemesis system is a very nice addition to the game, adding a personal touch to each of the mobs you face.  They are all however very easy to take out.  In general, I never found Mordor to offer much of a challenge.  

    Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy the combat itself,  just not from a  "OMG I'm getting challenged!!"  perspective.      Once you beat the story mode, the game becomes like a sports game you've become really good at and now randomly log in just to shoot some hoops/kick the ball/etc.     Except in this case you're killing Orcs and not playing with a ball.     

    Once you get the keys down and they become 2nd nature, you'll start to string together some real nice killing combos, and that is where the game shines.   It is basically a blank canvas you are given to paint with violence.   
  4. #4 yurigadaisukida, May 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2015
    Its a fucking amazing game.

    Personally I don't like to buy single player games, I'd rather rent them or borrow them.

    Shadow of mordor lasted me 20 hours tops

    Get more game play hours for your money with competitive multiplayer

  5. Shadow of Mordor is an amazing game! It's 50% Assassins Creed, and 50% Arkham in middle earth. The Nemesis system is fantastic! You will run into orc Chiefs that will consume your efforts so that you can go back and show them what's what. The combat system is solid as fuck and it is fun as hell to just run around and play side missions. You will become consumed with overthrowing Sauron's army via the nemesis system.

    Buy it. It is on sale right now at both Best Buy and Target. You will not be sorry, I promise you!
  6. Was a good play threw smash for platinum but no replay value for me
  7. Same here. Super fun to play once, and maybe get all side stuff, but I wasn't really motivated to replay anything or do the trials more than once.


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