PA really knows how to screw up a good thing

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by jblewballz, May 1, 2015.

  1. PA is so out of touch with reality. I was hoping for medical marijuana in PA, but instead they are making it virtually useless. I guess they would rather have people get dependant on opiates from doctors, after all big pharma companies fill politicians pockets. Wolfe said he would allow any method of consumption, but now its changed to plain old eating on your food or nebulizer. I dont even know if you can personally grow it or have to buy it from dispensaries. I hope the news article was wrong cause this plain out sucks.
  2. Its like they are voting on it to appease people to say we have medical marijuana, they listened to more political people and law officials while not really considering the views from doctors. I didnt know i went to my state rep when I get sick, so why should they decide how i can take my medicine. I am pissed
  3. U didnt even include a article. don't diss my state like that

    Sent from my intergalactic spaceship hotbox
  4. My state also
  5. I didnt include a article because im hoping it wasnt full of actual facts, it was yahoo and they are as reliable as facebook. I started this hoping someone who knows more than i would chime in and calm my worries.
  6. #6 r r, May 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2015
    No different than Georgia's recent CBD oil passage...
    There are sooo many requirements for inclusion that it will only benefit < 1% of the Ga constituency..
    Politicians act like they are doing us a favor while signing these bills while sighting prohibitionistic propaganda during their media covered signing...

    I am sooo sick of politicians giving the same uneducated reasons of:
    - Not enough science to regulate
    - It's a stepping stone hypothesis
    - It's going to be abused by children
    - Our society will become overrun by anarchy because of abuse.

    They have had 70 years for science and study... Stepping stone hypotheses has been scientifically disproved. Regulation will reduce underage use as proven in Alcohol prohibition as well as other quasi legal states/countries for cannabis use..

    Politicians like Chris Christy with their 2 second propaganda replies to the media on topics where scientific evidence has proven otherwise should be completely ignored at the poles..

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. Chris Christie is a case that makes me so angry that I can't even see straight when I hear him talk about it. He says he will fight marijuana legalization and crack down on medical MJ as well if he becomes president because states shouldn't be allowed to pass laws that violate federal laws, and yet he has fought tooth and nail against the federal prohibition of sports gambling because he says it's something the people want and the federal government shouldn't be able to prohibit something people want to do. The hypocrisy is staggering. It's unbelievable. It's the stuff of fiction.

    Hopefully his butter clogged arteries will explode soon and he won't be able to do any real damage.

    Now don't get me wrong...I actually admire his fight against gambling prohibition, as all prohibition is detestable, but the fact he will fight one injustice (obviously for financial reasons) and he will champion another injustice (because of obvious financial reasons) is just too much for my reasonable, human brain to process.
  8. #8 r r, May 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
    Hopefully his implication in bridge gate along with the Feds investigation of how Christie used the Sandy relief funds will detour enough sheeple to not vote for him. If that doesn't work then we can always hope for his addiction to twinkies to remove him as a problem. Would always rather people like this to fail as a result of their own political stupidity rather than a health problem...
    Wouldn't want him to become some type of martyr where someone else continues his fight/goals.
    Definitely agree with ya bro... He is nothing but a "politician" with a super size side order of hypocrisy...

  9. By him saying what he said about medical marijuana alone will get him no votes. Hes better off spending his money in drive thrus then a campaign trail
  10. #10 sb420abc, May 5, 2015
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
    If you want the facts straight from the horses mouth then contact Patrick Nightingale. He is the head of PA NORML and is heavily involved in this. He is also a stand up guy.
    Dear Patrick,
    I hope all is well. It's been a while since we talked and frankly, what the hell is going on with Medicinal Marijuana in Pennsylvania?
    I have friends who think it's going to be legalized there this year– completely legalized– there's that much confusion on the subject.
    The last time we spoke, you were encouraged that in the newly elected Governor, you would have a powerful ally in the fight to legalize, yet now, it appears he's no help at all!
    My understanding is that not only is legalization no where close to happening, but now the medicinal bill, the one that everyone was so hopeful would pass, has been gutted to a mere shadow of it's former self?  That it contains a very limited scope of illnesses that can be treated. Is this true?
    I also hear that the main opponents represent districts that have a very small population compared to most districts, and would in fact be impacted the least when compared with large cities like Philly and Pittsburgh. How can someone representing such a minority of voters dictate to the entire state like this? Isn't this just pandering to their constituents at the expense of people in need of treatment?
    I keep reading that pharmaceutical companies are trying to synthesize marijuana as medicine, even while the federal government claims it has no medicinal value in it's schedule 1 designation. What the hell is going on here? Is it medicine or not?
    How can ‘experts' testify it has no value, but then point out that for-profit companies are trying to find a way to make it themselves?
    Jesus, this shit drives me crazy!
    Looking forward to your reply,
  12. Nicely worded and a very good read...
    You might be on to something here...
    A forum category where folks can raise current political legalization concerns and paste email threads to and from their state/county representative....

    For the record, I did not write that, it's on his blog. And I think they have a place to do what you suggest. All the best.
  14. Thank you very much, that is the sole purpose i started this thread. I for one dont like to think yahoo is factual all the time. I get the facts from people that know what they're talking about. Thats the reason i came here. Not I, but the country in whole can only hope it becomes legal. My kids will not benefit from it now, but i cant tell the future and as long as there is 1 person that can have relief from med mj then nobody should be able to say NO. It always comes down to money for politicians. I can benefit from it tremendously, ive been down the path of doctors and it landed me in a bad place, i overcame it because i wanted to. I woke up one morning as said these doctors are gonna kill me, so i quit cold turkey, called me doctors and told them i wont be back and if i do i dont want pain meds. I then did my research on PCP's for one that wont just hand out pain meds. When i stop mj i dont wish i was dead and up for 3 to 4 days with no sleep like i was after quitting pain meds. If i didnt have family and my kids i would pick up and move to a state wheres its legal
  15. #15 r r, May 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
    Crazy huh?
    Is appalling how many citizens are forced into a status of being refugees because of our federal governments War on Drugs which is actually a war on its Citizens. There have been a number of families here in Georgia where the family had to split with father in Atlanta because of a job and mother and children In Colorado because of epileptic seizures. Of course the sick do have other options. 1. Attempt to get away with providing the medicine illegally or 2. hope that the children survive the seizures long enough for our government to get their head out their asses.

    Btw-- Georgia recently passed a CBD Oil bill with conditions that very few in our state could meet. They also provided no means of growing or obtaining the oil in Georgia requiring participants to smuggle from other states which we all know is illegal...

  16. Your number 1 and 2 should never have to be considered in this day and age. But nothing would stop me from getting my kids the treatment they need, if they ever need it. Even if that means me facing jail time. Just that thought alone shows politicians dont care for the people cause it should never have to come to that
  17. the first politician with huge political sway to have their kid go through the medical system of poison from the doctors only to be led to cannabis as a last resort and cannabis being the only thing that works will be the politician that opens the eyes of the others. it will then not be about money but their own kids' health and plant life that has medicinal value better than what all the doctors in the land prescribe out
  18. If found this on the web, it does say chronic pain, but i thought i read somewhere that pain isnt included. Im hoping it was changed to include it.

    cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome or the treatment of these conditions; a chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces one or more of the following: cachexia or wasting syndrome; severe or chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures, including, but not limited to, those characteristic of epilepsy; severe and persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to, those characteristic of multiple sclerosis or Crohn's disease; or any other weakening medical condition or its treatment that is recognized by licensed medical authorities as being treatable with marijuana in a manner that is superior to treatment without marijuana.
  19. Local news says house republicans will NEVER consider any form of medical marijuana as long as its federally illegal. We need to vote these assholes out
  20. HARRISBURG, Pa. -The Pennsylvania state Senate's bill legalizing medical marijuana has landed in a House committee headed by a Republican who opposes the authorization of any drug without the federal government's approval first.

    House Health Committee Chairman Matt Baker said Friday he has no plans to take up the Senate's medical marijuana bill -- or any medical marijuana bill, for that matter.

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