Bernie Sanders is running for President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Knitting Mama, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]
    Yeah, yeah, I know, electability and alla that.  WHATEVER.  LET ME HAVE THIS MOMENT! I WISH TO TILT AT WINDMILLS!

  2. My god, that would be worse than hillary and we don't even need to start that debate.
  3. ^I'd take Bernie Sanders over Hillary. 
    I don't think he's perfect but I've seen him take on the system on several issues where Hillary is lock-step w/ the machine. . 
  4. #4 AugustWest, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2015
    I'd take him over Hillary too.. he's probably less corrupt and not a neo-con like Hillary.
    But the clintons will raise way more money than anyone else, and will have all the corporate backing..  and will easily get the nomination.
  5. #5 BRZBoy, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2015
    Good luck with that old man. For the Democrats it most likely will me O'Malley assuming Baltimore does not melt down further.
    Hillary is not going anywhere either. I don't think she will survive her own issues. Its not the conservatives this time calling for her head its the liberals. This whole give me money charity and you get special treatment is possibly the biggest corruption scandal in ages. Its just starting as well. We force Congressman who take simple trips, items to jail. This cat belongs to a charity that raises money in the hundreds of millions and 90% of it goes to salaries! In fact you can not easily even verify the recipients of the Clinton Foundation.
    Hillary is limited by time and she must fastly put it all behind her for her primary. This go around the time clock is ticking. Really interesting NY Times piece last week on Hillary's dealings. Usually a op-ed is about 800 words they dedicated over 4000 words to the issue.
    On top of that Hillary in liberal leaning polls on trustworthiness and other things scores terribly.
    Then again its all about money. Romney in his past runs was not the favored one but had the money to outspend anyone. That is the intention of Jeb and Hillary. Buy up every radio/tv ad, soak up the advertising slots and sail to there glory.
    I don't mind Sanders but I don't think he's got a snowballs chance in hell. He's technically an Independent which will make it hard to win the (D) nomination, and one of his missions for seeking the Presidency is to repeal the law passed that allows corporate funding of elections. The deck is stacked against him. 
    I'd feel safe saying right now Hillary will be our next President. 
  7. I'm stoked! He in my opinion is the only hope we have to get money out of politics at least we won't get deeper into the stupid rut if he is elected

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  8. He's literally the least corrupt politician out there. He is working squarely for the middle class, and no corporation.

    I said hello to him once, talked to him for maybe 2-3 minutes, and he remembered me when I met him again 4 years later. Look at his approval rating in Vermont :)

    I definitely support Bernie over Hillary.
    One of the few things that is good on all of this money is both sides have it and it sorta nullifies each other. GOP side will have rouhly 1 billion, Hillary is expected to match that.
    Here is the absolutely require money. No money no campaign. When Obama ran against McCain he literally bought up every singular ad on TV in various regions. What was left over was bad time slots or terribly high prices. Advertising costs across the board alot, people except in the utopia of this forum work for free. Etc etc.
    So its all good to say get rid of the money but no money and your personality buys you jack shit.
  10. He voted against the Patriot Act and opposed the Iraq War which is a sign he has some integrity.
    When it comes to being a socialist he's honest about it. He's not a neo-con in socialist clothing like Hilary and Obama.
    He favors the Nordic model (free market along with lots of entitlements) which most Republicans would hate but is the best form of socialism created.
    Entitlements did a lot of good for the people of Baltimore. Decades of it there what...broke, poorer then ever, marginalized in ever aspect and if it was not for that recent death or riots no one would give two shits about them. Sorry the people running would.
    Whats interesting is some of the solution is more money HAHAH.
  12. Bernie's a real human being. I don't agree with him ideologically but I respect him. Hillary's a phony - even by politician "standards". When will people ever tire of empowering hypocritical phonies and pathological liars??? Soon I hope.
  13. This is why they are giving a shit, nothing to do with your fantasy-rich life -
    They probably murdered that man.

  14. first problem is you think there is only two sides. Those just happen to be the only ones with The money.

    If you get corporate contributions out of politics it would be a big step in a better direction.

    Why can't we vote on past voting history if they were in the senate or house. I think that is a lot better than what they ate at chipotle. 😀
    If we can't get money out at least vote based on who contributed to the person. Most smart people can see patterns on who contributes to who and what their ideals are

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    So you're blaming the Nordic model on Baltimore's lack of prosperity? Not the local economy?
    The jobs are gone and the people with the good jobs don't live there. You can't really blame that on food stamps and WIC.
    Plus I'm not sure how universal healthcare and free college tuition for hardworking students would hurt the people of Baltimore.
    All for free technical or vocational eduction run by the State if you could afford it. Money has to come from somewhere..unfortunately we do not squirt dollars out of the rectum. Universal Healthcare well Obama's group of people who no matter what who adore him got that from them.
    College is also not the pancea so many young people seek. Tech jobs, skill based ones etc pay the same or more in many cases. America and the world is run by the "Dirty Jobs". Takes some learning and time to know how to be a plumber. Working on planes for degree is not applicable in the maintenance of that item...certs and licenses are. Used to work on planes before I became self employed. Made more then just about anyone I know with that skill set.
    Never because we are a style based people now vice a substance. We want to feel good, we want to hold our hands up and cry at the words people say...and as long as you "feel" good then its the right then to do.
    Everyone is a utter moron just about today. They have no idea how anything works electrically, mechanically you name it. All they care about is youtube, facebook. You see it all over.
  18. He's got my vote but. Cue music Money money money... Money

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  19. Bet he works in mc d's...

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