Please help Unknown issue

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by k.babbs, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. We identified an issue on our foliage yesterday and have been working on pinpointing the issue.
  2. Very unknown AFAIK.
  3. i dont know either!
  4. Definitely Cal/Mag deficiency.
    Add lime.
    Just the juice. No rinds.
    Does bottled lime juice work, or does it have to be fresh? What about lemon? Is Sprite a good substitute?
  6. Sprite is not as good a sub as 7-up, but a mixture of both lemon and lime concentrates would be optimum.
  7. lol DONT add lemon or lime juice you will most likely fuck em up... you best bet is to do your own research as carefully as you can to see what the problem is ..... all the people on these forums can do is give you advice based on their experience with their own problems....

    before you take advice from anyone, make sure they know EVERYTHING necessary that there is to know about whats going on... be careful man

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    So you're saying I shouldn't dump this 2-liter of Sierra Mist on my tomatoes? Damn, I guess I'll just toss it in the compost pile.
  9. haha bro just use it as drain cleaner thats all its good for lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. Its leaf septoria. Effectively treated with copper octanoate and copper soap i.e. Copper fungicide from Bonide :D

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