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There are two types of leaves

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by schfit, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. There are two types of leaves.  The kind wihtout cannabinoids are there to channel water down the stem of the plant.  The other is a smaller leaf attached to the flower which does contain cannabinoids; a different cannabinoid ratio than in the flower.  This is relevant for patients smoking that are fostering plants for canabinoids that do not interact with the CB1 receptors. AKA the THC receptor, namely the ones not interact with the brain.

  2. Oh...kay... Interesting first post. Anyway.
    You realize that all cannabis leaves have varying levels of cannabinoids on/in them, right?
  3. #3 schfit, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2015
    This is exactly what I mean.  However, most bud sold in shops cut of this goodness which is the point I'm trying to illitrate to the patients who grow their medicine.  They have different conetnet per plant definately, but they have different cannabinoid content leaf vs bud which is the point of my post.  OBV each plant is different.
  4. ummm. Ok... I think.

    Do you realize your audience?

  5. I think that you are referring to the sugar leaves.[​IMG] If so, they simply contain less cannabanoids than the buds. I'm pretty sure most people on the City have that figured out though.  

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