Omnem Dimittite Spem, O Vos Intrantes

Discussion in 'Politics' started by landrace, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. #1 landrace, Apr 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2015
    I'm upset, I don't know about you. It's not a racial thing. I'm just upset.  I'm not a liberal nor a conservative.  I'm not black nor white. I'm an independent, but most importantly I'm an American. I believe that if something is broken and no one talks about it or try to understand why it's broken, well how the hell can we fix the problem?
    For anyone to say well if you don't like it then leave YOU are one of the problems that we must overcome in order to correct these discrepancies. I understand we can't make a utopia, but this isn't about being the best anymore, this is about surviving.
    Rome falled; ottoman falled; Spain fallen; french fallen;  British fallen; USSR fallen; all empires will come to an end and pass the torch to the next in align the never ending falling of dominos of empires. 
    I wrote this in haste and they're a few things i believe i need to rectify. 
    I believe the education system in this country is simply atrocious. I believe most american students are being subjected to standardize testing and multiple choice questions. These types of testing are placing heavy focus on retaining memory, but less focus on comprehension of the subject at hand. Many americans are being indoctrinated to remember rather then attempting to understand, because to understand one must question the subject. I believe in doing so they are training young kids not to question, but remember what they are being told.
    The media is atrocious, propaganda at it's best. It's horrible the media is just spewing white house talking points and only focus on the next political elections. The media is simply inadequate. These pundits are making a decent living spewing lies and professing misleading arguments. The media is given these pundits a soapbox and a megaphone to corroborate the lies being spun by the elected officials. Their is no actual reporting just talking points. No investigations of any sorts. No tangible reporting just opinionated news. Usual the opinion are in favor of the government. The media responsibility is to hold those elected accountable, has failed the american people; for if they did we would not be in the circumstance in which we are today. While the media and the politicians sit at a cordial dinner and eat from the same plate dressed in the finest clothing; while most americans are working two to three jobs to protect the eroding middle class.  
    The media also utilize these propagandize pundits to use divide and conquer techniques to use social issues to marginalize and polarized the federal electoral system. The ever expansion of the federal government was heavily debated by our founding fathers. Many americans vote based on social issues and these issues should of been left to the state government, think about it for a moment: who am I to say what is legal in California if I don't live there. 
    The media is controlled by a few selected and they are constantly pushing an agenda that is misleading. 
    The views in hollywood and advertisements currently projecting an image that is misleading, glorifying sex, adultery, murder, violence and etc. The media instills a corruption of the mind. It makes us weak and belittle our intelligence. Consistently push a liberal agenda to the point where it's even predictable. It consistently portrays all groups of religion/race in a negative attribute at one time or another to the exception of one particular group. Reminds me of Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
    The economy is broken, with the looming debt the USA owes and the mere fact congress only concession is to kick the can down the road. The government has no oversight over the FED. The removal off the gold standards and implements of debt based currency has kept many Americans in a system subservient to the corporation overlords. Another factor is the Petrodollar and the global stranglehold on global oil trade in which during every transaction we profit. The truth is most nations are in the process to undermine the dollar and when they do it's we the americans citizens would be left to shoulder the burden. The greedy ones that has no oversight and implement a system of corruption. The creating of bubbles, <span>, housing, and etc… The recession and the 2008 economic collapse. The derivative market..These are problems spun by those spearheading our financial demise, the fed, bannkster, politicians, and opportunist. </span>
    The Government is broken, let's set the record straight this was never a democracy, it's a representative democracy and it's broken one. The politicians are bought and paid for by foreign lobbyist, the most wealthiest, and the media. In a world where corporations are now people and no super pac equates to no electoral victory. In a world with where winning an elections equates to the amount of capital one has, not to votes. Regardless of your warped mentality: republican or democrat your system is broken. Our politicians are corrupted. The system has become so heavily corrupted that it cannot work. The children are left with the gold mind and they are too busy stealing the profits and bickering among themselves. Not to mention the Military industrial complex as well as those who are war mongers willing to send us into a frivolous war, but not to send their kids. 
    The government lies and manipulate truths for justification.  Using popular opinion to erode our constitutional rights. The government brilliant indoctrination to the masses introducing fear to the public such as the war on terrorism. Think about terrorism for a minute terrorism is a tactic. War on a tactic, doesn't sound scary, but war on terrorism, where is the line to give up my freedoms for security? Some say we need more security at what cost? or freedoms or liberty?
    The government makes the mafia looks silly with the systematic extortion such as the income tax, when the constitution was written where did in specified “taking money from hard working americans to then use that money to give it to rich people in poor countries abroad” (Ron Paul) this sediment is true. Our politicians are bought and paid for by foreign lobbyist such as AIPAC and Saudi Lobby. Every industry and foreign government looking for welfare has a lawyer representing their interest…..WHAT ABOUT US AMERICANS?  
    Police State
    The police has become ever more militarize. The police is consistently on the patrol to make false claims and arrest you. The police needs to make an arrest amount and violate constitutional rights, because they have a quota the more arrest they make the more money get's allocated to their budget. The system is corrupt! Is it the every day police no, it's the system that the officers are push through it's a number game. Some police on the other hand has a deep sense of they are the law. The have the false entitlement. Some officer's don't even know the law, so how can they be expected to enforce law they don't even know. (This has to do with the educational system as discussed) Every human being has a racial bias embedded in them, I believe as long as we have a recognizable difference they're will be some differences, but that's ok and some people can live perfectly fine with that, but some time with great power and those bias sometimes brings out the ugliness. 
    Prison Industrial Complex.
    This is dangerous it arrest colored people, I believed for at times charges that are irrelevant. Why should a person with pigments be subjected to harsh prison terms for cannabis.Take the rights away for voting, and the ability  to find a job to support the family. I believe it's another means to control the political landscape. 
    Rightfully so there are things in which you disagree, but at the end of the day corruption runs rampant. we are being sold for short terms gains, I'm upset and the sheeple are too worried about Kanye West and Kim Kardiasian.

  2. I dont disagree with your opinion on education, but I'd rather add to it, what way are they trained to remember? Form of education was originated to show students how to think, now they're trained to obey.
    The media is simply a medium just to america in this context, to make the people believe they work in a democracy, when it is literally a world oligarchal collective.
    The economy is not owned by Americans, money is printed by a private banking cartel based in Britain. Where debt gives the fiat value, and basically using this currency since 1911, basically sells your rights to this cartel.
    The government, like the media, is just another medium to make the people believe they have a say, even though they don't in the world oligarchal collective.
    As the old saying goes, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter. I'll step up and announce a new saying, one mans patriot is another mans fascist.
    American's only power is consent, if ever American's woke up to their potential, they would secede and reconstitute liberty.
    The police state is as it is, a given enemy of peace and liberty, to enforce the agendas of puppets. While the puppets hide behind particulars, the true nature of agenda is common between liberal and conservative, fascism.
    I heard a lyric from a rap group known as Jurassic 5, it says " They got rid of the slavery but kept the penitentiary." Prison nowawdays is either meant for dissenters or because of inevitable downfalls of people in melting pots that would generate the middle class to give up money to the rich.
    I don't disagree, you analyzed many of what was a given on the surface. Things run not in 2 dimenisonal format though, rather 4 dimensional. Remember this saying, "I like God do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence."
  3. Thank you for quoting the op, QiParadoxical, if you hadn't done that, I would have absolutely no idea who your response was geared towards.
    OP, I can only tell you this; examine the underlying causes, all of that was possible due to the public that doesnt give a shit.
  4. If insanity is, as Einstein famously stated, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results", then American voters are not only stupid as George Carlin pointed out, they're fucking crazy!
    For a change, stop empowering the same bullshit and bullshitters[​IMG] 
  5. I look at it all, and it does seem hopeless most of the time.  Hell, maybe we are too far down this road and the American dream is destined for oblivion... maybe it really is hopeless.
    But it does come back to the population.  All of this could be fixed, but everyone has become far too complacent in shoveling the same shit they've always shoveled and convincing themselves through willful ignorance that they're doing what is best.
    They shout, 'they're takin' our jobs!' in a mindless mantra while sweeping another armful of shoddy foreign product from a Wal-Mart shelf, totally lost to the comically depressing irony.
    Parents have become horrifically hands-off in the rearing and education of their children, and pump them full of sugar and drugs; and now we have a generation of fat fucks who with Occam's razor butcher the English language in every syllable they utter and scrawl - history and basic arithmetic, too, subjects handled with no less irreverence; who know nothing of sacrifice or accomplishment, and know only 'give me'.
    We spent an entire century sowing the seeds of hatred throughout the world against our country, and now we face the reaping with a frightening sanctimoniousness that is resolved in an 'us or them' mindset, while funnily enough not fully understanding what that means.
    But, here we are, still, standing in front of the proverbial shit-slinging fan using the waste as lube as we jerk ourselves off cross-eyed, and repeating to ourselves in comfort: 'that's just the way things are'.
  6. I think those seeds of hatred were being sowed long while ago, since the end of the American Revolution. Burning bridges with the French after they aided us, and not recognizing the democratic state of Haiti as a independent sovereign nation made us look like a bunch of hyporcrites right off the bat. And that's not including the time's after that when the U.S. always supported captialist dictators all over the world instead of democratic proponents.
    You know Fidel Castro was a democrat before he was a communist? He legally took to the elections to try to earn his people a general answer to injustice. But the elections were fixed. That's why he became communist. Not only that, but the U.S. feared Fidel and loved Batista, so Fidel went to the Soveit Union for aid, to take back his country from becoming a puppet state. Cuba had some remarkable feats since then, who was it that sent more than ten thousand troops to South Africa to support the rebel cause against the U.S. backed racists? How about the free education system they've developed? Sure all nations have their flaws, no nation can ever attain sainthood. But comparing and contrasting Cuba to the U.S. the norm of thinking Cuba is the bad guy in the eyes of truth is diminished. Specifically when you look at the true nature of the history of America. Stealings lands, masscres of innocents, slavery, and the methods of each was mad devilish. And this nation is supposed to exemplary in terms of natural human rights?
    And seeing the state for what it is today, nation's don't fear us because we're intelligent, they fear us because to them, we're a nation of over-privledged zombies. And everywhere we invade we spread the sickness of consumerist materialism.
    Absolutely.  As a nation, we have fucked up and fuck over a very impressive list of people; and our hypocrisy can be truly sickening.  But history should be a lesson, and not a burden.  Sadly, the human race has proven repeatedly that it's poor at retaining those lessons.  Anywho, point is, our future is open and that's what drives me crazy - as a nation we have everything we need to be a shining example and positive contributor to all of the world, but I know we'll continue making poor decisions and alienating nations and even ourselves from one another.
    In other words, we have the cure for the sickness you speak of in our medicine cabinet; we've just become too sedentary to get off our ass and go grab it.
  8. I feel that,
    In truth, what you've stated, we have everything we need, but people are genuinely more focused on wants. It's why consumerism, materialism, and corporatism are the most major aspects of the American sickness.
  9. A lotta good talk right in hurr

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