What is this stuff?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by GreenLantern23, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. I am familiar with ditchweed, but these leaves are really leading me to believe this is cannabis sativa growing naturally. It doesn't appear to be ruderalis. Can anyone verify what this is? This is growing right next to my mailbox (conveniently).https://carousel.dropbox.com/photos/cc/Jv31qzkvzjXI5Qs
  2. It's not marijuana. :smoke:
  3. I was just informed this stuff is called cinquefoil.
  4. Looks can be deceiving.  Wouldn't it be funny if the mailman called the cops and said you were growing marijuana beside you mailbox?  [​IMG]
  5. I live waayyyy out in the country. I bet the mailman would snag them up and never say a word! lol! None of these weeds have started blooming yellow flowers yet, so that fuzzy bud on top really threw me off. I thought noo.....it can't be....oh, but I hope it is....we live on old indian land, anything is possible!
  6. beautiful but it isnt weed!
  7. Heck smoke it anyway

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