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How to stop negative thoughts while high?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Cheeto Jones, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Even THAT stain could be interpreted in different ways while high or even when straight.

  2. #22 Deleted member 839659, Apr 28, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
    I find using a mantra helps. Choose your own whether it be "nothing matters", "it's in the past" or "goddamn fuck it". And just repeat it everytime a thought pops up. It's meant to clear your head.
  3. That takes extreme discipline, which I don't think I'm capable of, but wish I were. Have you ever told yourself "I'm not going to think any negative thoughts today". How long did that last? My weakness is resentments. I will repeat to myself, "Let go of the past. Let go of any past hurt, anger and resentment. Stop forming new resentments by following this rule: Stop reacting emotionally to what other people say and do". I learned this from the book "Handbook to Higher Consciousness".
    IF, and that's a big if, you can reprogram your subconscious, you can then stop those kind of thoughts that originate on the subconscious level. I've been doing that for a few years now and it has helped somewhat, but at times, I'll notice myself getting into negative, resentful angry thoughts and realize it's been going on for several minutes. You need to keep vigilant and that is one of the hardest things to do; to monitor your thoughts because they can change so rapidly.
  4. I usually evaluate the negative the coming in because theres usually a good reason for them like bob marley said "when you smoke herb it reveals you to yourself"
  5. 41 threads created in 6 months. Calm down.....
  6. any time I start to feel like the world is going to a shit bag, I watch a few of these and remember there are still a lot of good people out there with an interest in bettering humanity before they leave it. Inspiring, hopeful, beautiful, amazing, and awesome. Watch a few that interest you and you'll see what I mean. I always come away feeling better. Plus, it's hard to have negative thoughts while watching something! :) 
  7. Good idea. I walk regularly for exercise anyway, but usually after using, I don't feel like doing much except getting on the computer and maybe listening to music. If you can get outside, notice other things and get your mind off yourself. This time of year is spring in the Midwest, with tress getting leaves, flowers blooming, a very nice time to get out and walk.
  8. Simple, start controlling negative thoughts when you're not high. We'd doesn't change who you are, it shows you who you are.
  9. #29 anduin1, Apr 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2015
    It never really stops but when you learn to manage it, it feels like nothing but a distant memory. Keep reading about positive thinking,
  10. Could always try taking your preferred method of smoking out with you and don't smoke prior to heading out. But halfway through the walk and maybe if you find a nice view along the way. Most law enforcement won't be walking around nature
  11. Watch archer. 
  12. I've always liked sunsets whether high or not. I don't see many sunrises unless I'm still awake from the night before!
  13. find an activity that grabs your attention and focus so you enjoy yourself

    Sent from my intergalactic spaceship hotbox
  14. Maybe listen to music? Should distract you.

    Which do I love more: food or weed?
    Doesn't make any sense. If thoughts weren't real then we wouldn't have them. Maybe I'm missing something, idk.
  16. Nothing is real and all a projection of the mind
    thats just too deep for me bro
  18. Play some super chill music

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