On curing death

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by kgomotso, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. So the first person to live up to 1000 years is probably alive today according to an article I've read online. Our friends on Silicon Valley have been busy spending buckets on research and a breakthrough is eminent. Would you be interested in never dying when treatment is available, friends?

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  2. Of course. 

    Most people are religious, so a lot of them want to "move on" to the next life.     Others, when they contemplate living longer, or forever, imagine eternity being exactly like their current life is.  What they are not considering is how much their life would change and evolve if they could actually live forever. 

    Eternity can be heaven or hell, depending on how it is spent.   Personally, until I have proof of an amazing afterlife, I'd like to stay alive for as long as I can, provided I am having a good time.
  3. depends, would this treatment bring back some youthfulness . I dont think i would be too interested in never dying if i still feel extremely old.
  4. Will my dick still work? And how will you prevent the inevitable degeneration of the brain. Maybe if I can be some sort of dense electron cloud that can posses electronics and certain types of shellfish.
  5. Lol as long as i dont look like the great grandma in spongebob when theyre selling chocolate
  6. Curing old age would of course cure physical deterioration as well.
  7. In order to "cure" old age and death we would need to be able to prevent the eventual decay of the elements that make up the human body.

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  8. I don't consider death a BAD thing, and I do not feel that it needs to be CURED.

    I have been in a state of nonexistence long before I ever was alive, and I will be in a state of nonexistence for much longer than I was alive. I'm okay with that, and don't feel the need to deny the inevitable.
  9. Exactly my feelings....
  10. I have the same outlook on death.. when it is my time, I'll take it, no big deal.. but given the chance to live for even a few more generations would be awesome. Hell, I'd even be down with uploading my brain into a cyborg or computer that controls a spaceship to explore the universe. I could always crash into a star if I get bored with it all.
  11. I would just continue to create new and different personalities for myself to live out all the while recording the most accurate and comprehensive history books.
  12. The fact that we have been non existent (to the best of our knowledge) and the fact that as it stands right now we will all die, does not mean death = good.     Humanity as a whole does in fact consider death something that needs to be cured.  You see this with the ever increasing life span of the average human.  You see this every time we come up with a cure for ailments that have been wiping us out since before recorded time, like the common flu.     No one is saved from death's bed and family and friends are saddened they didn't get to pass on.       We are not calling it  "curing death"  because we are not curing it as a whole, but we definitely are curing it piece by piece.
    I think people confuse being ok with the inevitable fact of dying  (as it stands right now)   with being ok with dying period.     The same goes for not freaking out about dying and therefore thinking it's all good. 

    I don't live in a constant state of depression and fear about my inevitable death,  but at the same time, if there is a way to prolong my life or make me biologically immortal, I'll take it in a heartbeat.          If I still want to check out later, on my terms, I consider that far better than going when my frail shell expires after some 70-90 years.    Any surface examination of history and especially evolution, blatantly reveals what a miniscule timespan that is.     We feel terrible for poor Africans who live in areas that have average lifespans in the low 50's,  yet are  "ok"  with our 80ish?      

    Considering no one knows whether there is a great afterlife waiting on them, there is no reason to be "ok" with dying unless your earthly life is absolutely miserable, and even that can be improved in most cases. 

    Finally, people keep perceiving immortality as infinite misery as your body falls apart.   As a couple other posters mentioned,  achieving immortality implies being able to conquer those ailments and deterioration that destroy people.    A functioning immortality sugggests, at its bare minimum, a body and mind that is functioning and evolving.     
  13. It would be interesting. Imagine all the great scientists within the past 800years would probably be alive... point being, i want to see what the current scientists will be doing 900 years from now.
  14. Never dying? No. Being indestructible? Yes.
  15. I've been dead before. I'm 35, so before that, I was dead and absent from all history. My only "regret" with having to die isn't even death itself. I wish I could be around to see all of the things that we discover about the universe. With that in mind, I'm happy to live at this time as well, and not in the past when we had less knowledge. 
  16. I was going to post that same concern about dying, that I'd miss out on how things turn out.  That's how I felt about dying since I was about your age until a few years ago when things changed.  The older I get the less I care about how things turn out or what new inventions may appear.  I think that may be another defense mechanism, kinda like how the older ladies start looking better as I age and now the 40 year olds look young.
  17. Cure death by dying yet staying alive.
  18. More attractive woman... gettin old aint all bad!?
  19. No, I don't want eternal life in this bag of rotting flesh.
    I'd rather have my brain transplanted into a robot that looks like me.
  20. The key to extra life is Marijuana. It helps almost every organ and cell in your body. I'm 30 going on 31. Stowe alcohol recently and quit ciggs. I get carded because I look 17 they say. Either way 1000 years old seems way off. I would bank on a plant making me healthier and stronger any day before I believe any other way to stay alive longer. Relaxation would also be a major contributor for more life. Stress # 1 killer besides jealousy. And last I checked Cannabis relaxes everything in your body

    Ganja for President!! Who's with me! World would be a happier healthier smarter place.

    Also oil is trying to save the world in some peoples eyes. After seeing the disturbing spill in California the other day. It looks like oil with be the reason the world goes to shit. I'm so against pipelines underwater. Stupidest thing I've heard in a longtime. Must be non-smokers who think of these ideas.

    The more we pollute our world the more Mother Nature strikes back. We live in a ciggarette smokers world. Let's change that. And right fucken now

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