very sticky, very dark wax

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by lessthanjeezy, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Hey Blades,

    I made a significant wax purchase here on the east coast and due to it being difficult here, I have to go through a middle man. This was the third time I picked up, and the other times was a nice gold solid wax, but the big batch I just picked up is very dark, basically black and insanely sticky, had to put it in the fridge to get it off the parchment.

    I noticed it leaves some gunk on my nail, so I am worried I bought a significant amount of wax for personal use that still has a decent amount of butane.

    If you guys think that's the case, how can I get the rest of the butane out of this Oz of wax.

    Any help is really appreciated.
  2. Total bummer to hear about that dude.
    I doubt you have the proper equipment to clean that stuff up, otherwise you'd be making oil yourself right?
    Next time consider doing some flower rosin for yourself.  It's solvent free, clean, safe and easy.   It leaves a 6* quality melt meaning nothing left behind on the nail.  All you need is a hair straightener, some parchment paper and some buds.  Here's some pics of the various pressing I have done in the past month.
    Press HARD for 2 seconds at 300f.

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  3. Don't you live in DC if I remember from another thread. When I was DC use to get from this guy in NW. Was great at first golden and bomb. Then got shittier and shittier. Found out he just started adding all his new stuff to the old stuff he already had. I was like what the fuck! Started turning darker and darker every time. Be funny if it was the same guy.

    Let's Smoke About It....
    -Adam Demamp

    My Organic Grow Journal's-Solar-Adventures
  4. Don't live in dc, I'm up in Jersey. And yeah, definitely don't have the proper equipment, I was wondering if putting it on a Pyrex dish on top of a hot plate outdoors would let some of the butane bubble out, but not sure if that would work, again haven't made concentrates before.

    That method with the hair iron sounds interesting I've never seen thay before, could you elaborate on that?
    it's a pretty new thing that just started a little over a month ago.
    Here's a video to start with.  After that if you are interested in more check out @soilgrown on instagram.  He's the creator of this method.  and just google rosintech.  There are also a few threads here on grass city in the harvesting and processing section.

  6. Thats an interesting technique
  7. Very is your yield doing that? Like if you did that with a quarter Oz of flower?
  8. I've been getting 10-15% yield .  It really depends on the bud itself.
  9. I've seen people getting 20%+ with the rosin tech. It really is dependent on the material, moisture content etc..
  10. Soil grown did not invent rosin he just made it popular
    He is not the inventor of rosin but he is the inventor of squishing buds.
    Traditional rosin was done with low grade hash.
  12. And to further discuss and elaborate hash rosin has been around and talked about online as far back as 06.. but the flower rosin is very new tek otherwise the word would have gotten out much with that soil grown just improved and reinvented the tek...and he knows this hense flower rosin...if he hadn't been aware of hash rosin he would have called it something else like bud sap or flower hash...
  13. Sounds like you got some poorly made stuff. Excess tane in the BHO won't leave residue on the nail, thats from unwanted material in the bho like if you blast buds that weren't properly flushed or not dewaxing leaving unwanted lipids and wax. The consistency can certainly be an indicator of left over tane. a good indicator if it is full of tane is take a little dab and put it to a lighter flame. If it sparks and pops you have tane in it.
    Some advice for next time you plan on picking  up a large amount. Get a G to start with, if you like that stuff then send dude(middle man) back to get you quantity of that stuff or better only. That way he has a starting reference. Also could be possible middle man opted for the cheaper stuff and took the rest of your money. Middle men is how you get jacked. Real drug dealers want more clients, so if a trustworthy client refers someone they tend to be ok with that dude at least in my experience, its the highschool kids that do all that middle man shit cuz they ain't real dealers.
  14. #14 DabsOnTheMountain, Apr 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2015
    You could, if you really wanted to, dissolve the oil into ethanol on some pyrexes to get that double solvent reaction going.
    You smear it as thinly on the pyrex as you can, then pour on the alcohol, let it dissolve, and then let it dry. I bought a gram of not so good "budder" a couple weeks ago and did this. It took about 5 minutes to dissolve into a very small amount of alcohol, and then it sat out with very low heat for 3 days, It was almost impossible to get off the plate. I lost nothing in weight, but the butane was gone.
  15. Yeah I definitely understand the middle man thing isn't ideal, for bud I have my own people but wax isnt super big around me yet and this dude only wants to make the trip if he is getting at least an o, so took the chance, I'll make it through this o and work on finding a new connect
    with this method do you smoke the bud after you extract the rosin? or do you use it to cook with? How much does the bud drop in potency? 
    I haven't tried anything with the left over bud yet.  It might have a little left but probably not much.  I'd imagine the bud nearly completely loses it's potency.
    Ahh you have to try it and report the results back to me. Knowing myself, I would have tried smoking the left over bud right after I extracted it.
    Haha I don't know.  I don't ever smoke, but I could try vaping some in the vaporizer.  It's just... .... I want to get well medicated every time. :D
    I dont blame you, I'm just a cheap-o and every hit counts ;)

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