ph to high? Soiless mix

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by CanadianHarvest, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Hi guys. Thanks so much for taking the time to post about my plants.

    They are Texada time warp/ Northern lights from Peak BC seeds. Its not strictly an indoor strain. Like they grow in in Kewlona and stuff here in BC. ..... anyways. I think theres somthing wrong with my ladys.... They want to grow. they are trying to grow. but there is just somthing holding them back....... Ive only fed them 3 times in their life ( besides teas) because they just havent been seeming to be really able to handle them...

    I just transplanted from 1 gal to 3 gals and i notice the root ball was really small for 2 months. like barley even pot bound :?

    Anyways heres the specs.

    800 watts -> 400 hps 400 Mh
    promix HP with 5-10% worm casting
    3 gal square pots
    Advanced nutrients grow mico bloom - ph perfect
    19/5 light cycle.
    1-2 tsb dolmite lime per galon of soil.
    Watering with ph tap water at 6.? ph. i use the General Hydro drops and I look for a yellow color.

    So.... After that.. what do you think is wrong with my plants? Grow SUCKS! super slow. NEW GROWTH is the affected area. OLD LEAVES ARE FINE.... New growth is all yellow and veiny and skinny.

    My stems feel like wood! like i couldnt even clone theses plants if i wanted to.

    Petules ( stem directly of the leaves) are red/ purple

    I flushed 2 weeks ago and have just been giving water. 
    ---> i think its somthing to do with the Promix SOILESS mix. like becoming to acidic from the peat or not having enough nutes ect.

    Please any help would be great!

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  2. #3 Blunts2Face, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2015
    if you think the soilless mix is to acidic, measure the ph of the run off water. i normally take my tap water and leave it in a bucket for 48 hours (covered so no dust or other things will get in) so that the chlorine and other stuff they put in it will evaporate (don't know if it really works or not but its better to be safe then sorry) and then PH it to 6.3.
    maybe don't feed them for a while and just give it water to see if it changes, for the rest your plants look fine, a bit  droopy but a good green! the newer leafs will always come out a more screaming green then the old leafs, it will change when the leafs get bigger.
    happy growing
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  3. I just thought id add something. I have not been watering enough to get run off. I just give the plant about 1 solo cup of water ever 2-3 days
    It is best to water your pots enough so that there is about 20% run off.  If you don't you'll run the risk of having a toxic salt buildup.  You get the same results by watering like you are and then flushing with plain water every other or every third watering, just to flush out the unused nutrients.
  5. The runoff is pretty insignificant if you still have healthy plants, but a regular flushing will help. I'm using soiless mix so I treat it like hydro. I think they are just hungry

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