American who was spokesman for Osama bin Laden killed

Discussion in 'Politics' started by garrison68, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. They finally got the son of a bitch.  

  2. #2 SmokinP, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2015
    What did this chap do apart from bad mouthing the US ?
    Was he involved directly in attacks upon the US ?

    Those drone jockeys/CIA creeps fucked up again killing an American and Italian.
    Obama looked really sorry on TV making excuses. How many innocents has "change" killed ?

    100's, 1,000's, 10,000 ?
    • Like Like x 1
  3.  Adam Yahiye Gadahn, a U.S. citizen from California, was a prominent figure in al Qaeda's propaganda machine. He frequently appeared in videos made by the organization, issuing threats to American leaders and calling for attacks on American and Jewish targets.
    Seems like a little bit more than bad mouthing.
    Good riddance. A shame about the hostages, but unfortunately that can and does happen, with or without drones involved. :smoke:
  4. Well it's good that he's gone, but I prefer them not using drones. It seems those things are not efficient, they seem to kill a LOT of innocent people yes?
  5. Just another person. You gotta die someday and someway. 50,000 Americans will die on the highways. You crying for them?
  6. Seems a bit ridiculous and frankly frightening that the US military are firing rockets into buildings when they have no idea who or what is in there.

    I am sure the families of the American and Italian killed by the US military/government see this wreckless behavior as much more than a shame.
    Well if I was ever taken hostage by extremists I wouldn't be counting on noble, brave America to be looking out for my life, that's for sure :laughing:
  8. Well they did have knowledge that it was a training compound with no indigenous civilians there. It would have been better had we known the captives were there. I'd be willing to bet that in the bigger picture, less lives would have been lost due to those strikes. 
    In fact, a whole lot less civilian lives.
  9. #9 BRZBoy, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2015
    Sounds similar to what the Palestinians are doing. Oh I forgot there Arab so they get the card that lets them pass Go and get there 200 bucks.
    I think that was over 1000 rockets they launched..oh I forgot they had eyes on every building right? They called to cancel every single rocket that was targeted where civilians were at right? They carefully chose there targets right? Yea right. Cry me a river please. Who cares..answer is no one does. If you do suck it up since nothing is going to change.
  10. i feel safer today.
  11. #11 Vicious, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2015
    Palestine has nothing to do with this but thanks for bringing it up. Let's talk about those rockets.
    Palestinian rocket:
    Israeli Missie:
    Let's not forget about fletchet shells and white phosphorous.
    Yeah, cry me a fucking river about some bottle rockets. If anyone gets a free pass it's Jews and the world knows it.
  12. #12 BRZBoy, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2015
    Yea bottle rockets. That explosion was after Israel was showered with rockets which by the way fell for the most part harmlessly out of the sky do to Iron Dome.
    There lucky I'm not in charge. Those people would be effectively dealt with. There lucky there not in Russia or China. Never would of gotten past a few months if that. They would of been eliminated thoroughly. I think China said way back on the Tienanmen Square Massacre that million lives was a drop in the bucket.
    The Palestinians are lucky that the "oppressor" are the Jews.
    I'll give you that. If you're going to occupy something you shouldn't be half assed about it.
  14. Not similar at all.  The CIA wanted to wipe out that building and kill certain people and they did.  Palestinians don't plan on hitting any certain building or persons, what they do is fire into a crowd hoping to kill someone, any someone.  And since their puny rockets usually don't hit anything and since Israel's response is so severe the Palestinians are complete retards to continue firing them.  They are, in effect, telling the Israelis "here, cut my arm off, I dare you"  then "okay, now cut the other one off, I dare you"
    Regarding drone strikes?  Build more drones. 
    People who feel strongly for the Israel-Palestine situation, whether supporting Palestine or Israel, always find a way to sneak it into whatever discussion they find.
    It goes without saying that Israel uses excessive force and their actions are usually immoral.
    But I'd pin most of the blame on Hamas and all their supporters.
    Israels tactic of demolishing neighborhoods from where rockets have been fired is well known, especially in Palestine.
    And they still fire rockets. They fire from schools, from government buildings, from hospitals. Knowing Israels rocket will strike the same spot.
    They want to be attacked for publicity. And they believe whomever dies in the hands of Israel gets a free ticket to paradise.
    Of course every time Israel kills a Palestinian they increase support for Hamas. It's an evil circle, that could be broken by Hamas seizing their attacks.
    If Palestinians concentrate all their attention and energy on building a viable and progressive society they'd pave the way for an independent nation. But bombs is all they understand.
    You're victim blaming. You're not wrong but you can't blame collateral damage on anyone but Israel. They internationally claim they want to minimize civilian casualties but use fletchet shells and WP illegally.
    A lot of the things Israel say is pure bull.
    The war they had last summer really put things into perspective. I sat in front of the TV after work every night for hours toking and watching the news.
    Egypt and Israel kept pushing for a ceasefire and Hamas kept refusing, time and time and time again. And the times they agreed they ended up breaking the ceasefire themselves.
    The Palestinians need a good ol' coup to oust Hamas.
    Even Egypt cut all of its ties with Gaza.
    TV, ie mainstream news, isn't really your best place to get perspective on the subject. Israel is our ally in the Middle East. I might be more critical of Israel but I don't care for Hamas either.
  19. #19 Deleted member 839659, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
    I diversified. CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, Russia Today and local news networks.
    edit : forgot Euronews.
  20. That is a very good idea. And I appreciate that you call RT by it's full name, "Russia Today". 

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