Radical Islam

Discussion in 'Politics' started by landrace, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. So there's a lot if discussion about Islam and terrorism. Perhaps we can start a dialogue to explore the questions that aren't be asked in the media. I'm not a muslim, and though I have a racial bias like everyone else, I don't have a problem with Muslims. From my understanding there's over a billion of these mofo's, and simply the majority aren't radical. 
    The questions that was brought to my attention actually occurred last night when a friend of mine and I were having a discussion about this very topic. We both established for the sake of the dialogue that Islam is an aggressive religion. The question that was purpose was well
    Where exactly do radicals Extremist come from?    
    Now this is the odd part, because we initially assume it was some offshoot of a crazy ass cleric, but as we did our research and started to dive into the topic, it became somewhat alarming. 
    From my understanding, in 1979 radical islam Wahhabi fundamentalist seized Mecca, some sort of holy land. During the time period the Saudi Kingdom could not go into Mecca, because there is a rule in which no weapons can be used in the holy land. So The Saudi Kingdom had to get permission from a cleric, the problem is the cleric agreed with the radicals and won't issue a fathwa (permission). So the government promise to support their cause in donation a portion of the petro dollars to the Whabbiist. They were then given the permission went into Mecca and killed the radicals.  
    The petrodollars that the Saudi have been given to the extremest are being used to build these large Mosque in poor neighborhoods. This help radicalize the poverty stricken in Islam.
    The second Question was asked: Given the current state of ISIS, how the fuck were they able to acquire so much foreign fighters? Was it that the radicals were awaiting the opportunity?
    The Siege of Mecca 1979 (book)
    \tJuhayman alOtaibi This was the cunt that started the conflict. 
    The book is good read apparently this was happening the same time as the iran hostage situation completely unrelated as the students were coming from a national perspective with their demands. 

  2. The problem is that radical Islam is being included into politics = a very bad combination.
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    You know J-Dilla< i know sometimes you and I had our disagreements, but I agree with you on this. :) [​IMG]
  4. :)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s
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  6. I normally dgaf about videos posted here, but decided to check this one out. WOW, she blew off the question and turned it around. Typical political fashion. The Muslim lady was right...how do you fight an ideological war with violence? The absurdity to bring up 4 American people. The absurdity to say American before calling them people. Madness this world is.
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  7. Interesting info you presented.

    Extremists of any kind, I feel, largely come about when their surroundings are insufficient in providing 1. Basic human needs 2. Love 3. A goal, passion, or at the very least something to keep you busy in a healthy way. Even the homeless, extreme poverty. People blame drugs, laziness, or bad influences. Yet they fail to ask why and look deeper.

    How were they able to acquire foreign fighters? I think it's also a great ploy to further the security agenda, amidst all the recent spying scandals. Perhaps they were awaiting the opportunity, as such they are missing that feeling of being included, wanted, loved.
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    They are now offering healthcare -
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    Yes, that's an excellent point
  10. Easy way to deal with radicals who are insane...you kill them. I know that hurts the sensibility of the eco loving peace lover. While you want to hug them they want to rape, butcher, set you on fire. You kill as many of them as possible in a fast amount of time. Easy.
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  11. awww yea takbir!

    Attached Files:

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  12. An even better way to deal with extremists is to stop arming them and cut off their bankroll.

    I know that is a bitter pill to swallow for warmongering Neocon bigots.
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  13. No, they can always find a knife to chop a head off with or a bus full of school girls to massacre.  Gun control isn't going to do it.
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  14. I think you are missing the point Ed. The US and their various Middle Eastern puppet dictators spawned al qaeda and IS.

    Stay out of the Middle East, end of problems, end of story.
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  15. #16 jmick, Apr 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2015
    But they still have more resources there for us to steal.....
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  16. I'm ready to stay out of the Middle East.  Will they stay out of the West?  The fact is the Middle East is dependent on the rest of the world for their survival.  We could get by without their oil much better than they could get by without importing food, medicine, and electronic toys.  I could be wrong though, so I'm willing to give it a try.  All Western people should leave there and all Middle Eastern people should go home.
    And I miss points all the time, just not this time.  I don't think.
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  17. But they still have people that need to be liberated. 'Merikah' Fuck Yeah!
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    Problem is you cannot kill an idea and then that creates what the cia calls blow back, I'm not prepared to be at war until we make an attempt to eradicate 1.5 billion people from this planet, that actually some middle age shit. I'm not some type of liberal, but the Cost behind that will eventually bankrupt the nation. 
    Thats a very important point as well it feeds into the idea, can't kill an idea or the mentality that is being instilled by this waive of Whabbism.
    I agree, to stay out of the middle east the problem is our currency is based off two things,:
    1) debt and the petrodollar
    The only thing sustain us at the moment is the petrodollar, I believe that is the reason for our interest in that region.
    Truth be told, I don't give a shit about the middle east as far as it's my concern this problem was created by the British and I think it's their responsibility us Americans should stay the fuck out and keep a friendly relations to whom ever is in power, but not dictate or attempt to get involve to the point of calling shots in other people country. I think we need to adhere to George Washington farewell address. Mind Our own fucking Business policy.
    I don't know this is how the conversation was going when my friends and I were trying to solve this problem, trouble is we ran out of weed lol
  19. Does that also include Iran's arming and support for extremists?

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